
The F Word (Fitness): Fitting in Fitness

What is your favorite excuse for not getting in a workout? For a lot of people, it’s time. Lack of time. We’re so busy — how could we possibly find time to squeeze in a run or make time to hit the gym?! We forget how important exercise is, especially when we are busy. Being short on time often leads to stress. Being busy or stressed can lead to making poor choices in other areas- grabbing a quick dinner from a drive-thru, not sleeping enough, drinking too much- all this plus no exercise equals disaster for your physical and mental health. Not only is exercise an excellent stress reliever, overall you’ll feel better and sleep better. So just do it. No excuses.

‘But how do I fit it in?’ you ask. I have a few suggestions to sneak in exercise even when you are short on time.
Get up earlier. Sounds simple, right? It is. As little as 30-60 minutes is enough. Go for a walk, do an exercise DVD at home, buy some dumbbells, etc. Possibilities are endless here.
Walk or bike to work. Not an option for everyone, but if it works for you, do it.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Instead of grabbing that candy bar and soda for your afternoon pick-me-up, take a 10 or 15 minute walk. You will feel better and won’t crash after the temporary sugar high.
Make your chores count. Vigorous cleaning or yard work- work hard enough to get your heart rate up for at least 30-60 minutes.
Go outside and play!!! Seriously- chase the kids around the yard, play basketball, walk the dog.
You get the idea. Just get moving!

