
Playground Back and Biceps Workouts-10 Minute Trainer

Are you stuck on the road, or at home with your children, and unable to hit the gym on back and biceps day? 10 Minute Trainer Fear not. Here you will discover a quick and painless way to hit your latissimus dorsi, the muscles of the back, and really nail down some width. All you will need is a playground with a hanging chin bar or monkey bar.
The first movement you'll be completing will be wide grip pull ups. These will saturate the muscles of the back with blood and really bring some 'pop' out of your back group. You will want to complete a total of 50 repetitions for your back. You can use as many, or as few, sets as you'd like to achieve this goal. It might be ten sets of 5 reps. Then 5 sets of ten reps. Then 2 sets of 25 repetitions. Soon, you might be able to knock out 50 repetitions in a single set of pull ups. If and when that day arrives, it's probably time to bump up your repetitions to 100 or 150.
Next you will complete a movement that Lee Haney made famous, after Lee Haney's back made Lee Haney famous! 10 Minute Trainer This movement involves grabbing the bar as if you were going to complete a pull up, and then hanging with your back muscle flexed for several minutes. You'll want to complete a total of 10 minutes of hanging flexing action, broken into as many chunks as required.
The final movement, as you might imagine will be under grip chin ups for biceps. You'll be completing 100 of these movements, as they are easier than the overhand grip variety that you completed for your back. With each repetition, flex your biceps and work to feel the full extent of the movement. Don't shortcut your success by swinging your legs at all. Keep your form as perfect as possible. Remember that it doesn't mean a thing, if it's got that swing! Flex and feel is everything when it comes to flexing the biceps.
That's it. Three exercises for as long as you can handle them. You'll just be using your bodyweight (or the weight of any of your children that you can convince to hang from your legs), so the importance of using high repetitions cannot be denied. Training in a gym will always be preferable to this, but life often takes away training time. When this happens, stop at the playground and spend 20 minutes on a quick back and biceps workout!10 Minute Trainer

