
Bestsellers In Exercise And Fitness For The Aging

Somatics by Thomas Hanna shows you how to reawaken your mind's control of movement, flexibility, and health. The author demonstrates that so many problems that we have accepted as inevitable over time like chronic stiffness, bad back, chronic pain, fatigue, and high blood pressure do not necessarily ever have to occur if we learn how to consciously control our nerves and muscles. Hanna calls this a state of sensory-motor awareness. By following this gentle program, you can maintain the pleasures of a healthy body indefinitely with only a five-minute routine once a day.

 Cycling Past 50 by Joe Friel shows you how to become an ageless athlete. Conventional wisdom says that middle-aged cyclists should slow down and expect to not be able to achieve as much as they grow older, but this book shows that cyclists with the proper training and attitude adjustment can achieve more than ever after age 50. This book is written for all types of riders including mountain bikers and track races and provides a look at the full range of considerations for cycling successfully into and through middle age. This book will inspire cyclists to perform better with more enjoyment.

 Age Defying Fitness by Marilyn Moffat and Carole B. Lewis shows you how to make the most of your body for the rest of your life. We all know that our bodies change with age but many of the problems attributed to inevitable age-related changes are not actually inevitable and can be reversed with lifestyle changes. This book shows you how to overcome aches, stiffness, and unsteadiness in your muscles and joints. Using these tests, you can assess your level of physical performance in posture, balance, strength, flexibility, and endurance. This book is more than a simple how-to book because it encourages you to take responsibility for your well-being.

 Strength Training Past 50 by Wayne Westcott and Thomas r. Baechle will help you increase your strength to improve your health, your appearance, and your performance. Strength training has many advantages for an adult including enhanced athletic performance, reduced risk of disease, decreased symptoms of arthritis, diabetes, and osteoporosis. This book has everything you need to start enjoying these benefits or to jump-start your current routine. This book will keep you active, healthy, and looking great. You can find workouts and programs designed especially for you.

 Growing Old Is Not for Sissies II: Portraits of Senior Athletes is the sequel to the best-selling book of the same name. It teaches you how to reevaluate the popular associations of age with malaise and infirmity. This book provides 100 compelling portraits of senior athletes accompanied by their personal statements and poems about their experiences with aging. This book shows you that physical activity can be enjoyable. Not only will you take delight in working out as you age but you will feel the benefits of your actions. If you follow the example of these senior athletes, you too will live to a ripe old age. 

