
Nude female tour guide Kunming, the police announced the case of death of the family suspect picture

burglary, murder, the murderer actually left to the police, "the book challenges\Yesterday afternoon, the Kunming police released two suspects to the media image, the figure arrested in April this year, since, in the province and other places to find a single young woman with burglary, committing crimes, at least two single women are violated, one of them in April 3 this year, died at home naked, police found five days later. Arrested the suspect at an early date, the police promised to offer the capture of suspects uncovered cases of units or individuals, will be given 50,000 yuan reward.

naked young female tour guide died at home

locks have not been Qiaodao traces of objects placed inside the room tidy, a young female tour guide were surprised to bare die at home. April 8 this year, a middle-aged woman came to Kunming Fine Area 31 a room to visit her daughter and found her daughter had been killed at home. After receiving the alarm, Kunming Public Security Bureau Criminal detachment, five Huagong An associated sub-police rushed to the scene investigation, and in between the corridor and surrounding residential dispatched undercover to collect clues.

police cordoned off the area the first time, it will alarm people back to the branch of the Criminal Investigation unit for further investigation. According to the dead neighbor downstairs introduction, the woman is from Sichuan, the house seems to be rented. The April 7 evening, the woman at home is not unusual ring. To at half past seven on the April 8, his mother opened the door into the house when the woman's body.

"At the time, sent her mother scream, after a while, another scream, we noticed something was wrong, reported the matter to the Public Security Bureau. "Said the neighbor. Until that day around 4 pm, criminal investigation police are still on-site investigation. Reporter saw the victim's room door intact, can be seen through the unlatched door, clean room with several police officers wearing white gloves, are squatting on the ground of evidence. A knowledgeable person, the woman had been pretty dead, a tour guide in Kunming, judging from the scene, estimated by the Department of acquaintances, but this claim has not been confirmed by police.

Mr. Wang, living in the same district, told reporters that the plot is the old district, many residents, most of them to move back to households, foreign tenants also more law and order situation is not so good, he also said he was in the end of last year when it had a loss of electric cars. See also the deceased's downstairs Fine residential property by the company in November last year posted a security warning, the warning to remind residents of access to high security cases, especially burglary cases, the hope that tenants carefully.

leave letter provocative

Murder Room Jingxian "challenge the book"

It is understood that the process of investigation at the scene, police found a letter in the room left to the police, "the book challenges\"The challenge the book" at the beginning of their own had a brief, and left a name, during which also introduced the motive for killing. It has read this letter, the police account, the contents of the letter intends to provoke investigation by police, and police apparently want the words against. Suspect claims will create such cases to see if the police can catch him in the end.

After autopsy of the deceased to determine time of death of the woman on April 3 this year, that is, had been found dead five days later. This means that the suspect fled in 5 days to the police and not a small increase in the difficulty. Police handling the case said the view from the field investigation, the suspect has a strong sense of investigation, leaving the "Challenge book" is also very likely to confuse, interfere with the normal police judge, because many of the contents of the letter are fiction.

full cracked in Kunming, the police, the similar cases actually occur again, a young woman at home was against, fortunately, was a suspect committed a crime did not slaughter, before leaving Shi You left a "challenge Book. " Although the incidence is not in the case of Kunming, the survey found many similarities among them the details of my colleagues the possibility of committing the crime is very big.

progress of the case

offering a reward of 50 000 suspects in the capture of serial

To avoid the recurrence of malignant cases, yesterday afternoon, the Kunming Public Security Bureau, the Information Office of Emergency progress of the investigation of cases notified to the media monitoring of suspects shot and larger photo. According to reports, one picture is the police parking lot near the Wal-Mart store in Kunming, for the transfer of video and security surveillance system found. Police on the April 3 murder cases reported in the circular prize, said on April 3 this year, a district in Kunming Wuhua killings occurred. Full investigation by public security organs, found a major suspect, who about 30 years old, male, about 1.74 meters tall, his lips are 34 small opening (old injuries).

