
Men's 5-year sum up studying simplified Chinese characters commonly used in the program with four th

studying at home, 5 years, summed up a set of simplified Chinese characters the program, and to more than 4,000 commonly used word "diet." Yesterday, Guang-Jun Song Jiaonan farmers with their own programs to simplify the order of the Chinese Post, "I hope I can start a discussion in this simplified scheme, so that more people are concerned about the work of Chinese character simplification. "Guang-Jun Song said. However, experts have disagreement with, "now is not appropriate to further simplify the characters, otherwise this will cause a huge impact on society as a whole. "In the warm appreciation of the Guang-Jun Song, while College of Qingdao University, Professor of Modern Chinese believe that this option should not be promoting Revealed.

for the simplified Chinese characters to give up work

because of an accidental inspiration, read the declaration at the University of professional Guang-Jun Song of the simplified Chinese characters had a strong interest. "It was 2005, I read Wesley wrote a science fiction, the content is the highest human development to the stage of civilization, the text also will simplify to the extreme, one word can represent very complex significance, several able to form a fiction character. "Guang-Jun Song said that while their professional relationship with the word no, but since the idea of simplified Chinese characters has been lingering in his mind. Later, Guang-Jun Song just give up his job and began to study Chinese at home with great concentration. "During the time I rely mainly on live stock. "Guang-Jun Song said.

simplify the program "to delete the cross-point"

as many new words can not be a computer printout, Guang-Jun Song simplified Chinese characters are all handwriting finishing the program, were used in more than 30 sheets. In this simplified scheme's see, Guang-Jun Song will be used in accordance with the radical character classification, and then cross to the point of many characters to delete, the stroke reduced to a minimum. For example, the "rivers" and the word will get rid of the middle pricked, "Dan" character will remove the upper part of the point, quite a few changes in the complex font, such as the "win" the word directly reduced to the lower "Tony," "win" the lower part of the word into "sheep." In this simplified scenario, will a number of continuous words such as unicorns, monsters, etc. depending on the circumstances, integrated into a word. "These words are not open to use, simply to express in one word, can make no changes in pronunciation. "Guang-Jun Song explained that the streamlined program is not arbitrary amendment strokes, but there are some rules, trying to become more simple phonetic characters.

authoritative experts recommend temporarily simplify

from the 2009 National "two sessions" was made "to restore traditional Chinese characters," the proposal, simplified Chinese characters on the intensifying battle, Guang-Jun Song simplified Chinese characters is reasonable scientific program? In this connection, the reporter interviewed the College of Qingdao University Professor of Modern Chinese Revealed. Huang Borong contemporary linguists as pro-disciple, Professor Qi, since the fifties of last century, China launched a new Chinese simplified proposal, has made it clear to leave the world of modern Chinese phonetic common direction, so to restore traditional Chinese characters, etc. formulation does not work, but also with the country's basic national policy contrary. "But once again simplified Chinese characters is also not appropriate. "Professor Qi, the Chinese character is not a personal wealth of the entire Chinese nation has now become the common cultural property, provided that a slight change will cause an uproar character.

