
Wengxu fire rescue five children were burned by more than 2 million social contributions (Photos)

burn area 98% of the Wang Maohua lying in bed, the soles of the feet is the only remaining piece of his body intact skin (March 29 photo). Source: Xinhua

Tan Liang was lying in bed, kept alive by transfusion (March 29 photo).

WANG Mao-hua's wife, Chang-Hua Tan (right) and mother (left) of his family's sorrow injury (March 29 photo).

WANG Mao-hua's wife, Chang-Hua Tan softly sang a lullaby to ease the pain of her husband (March 29 photo).

Recently, Yichun City of Jiangxi Province town of Bo Tong Tsz Yuanzhou secondary school language teachers, WANG Mao-hua and his father, runs a small firecracker factory in Tan Liang farmers only, 3 times burst into the scene and rescued five children, two general skin burns are up to 95% and 85%. At present, they were in Liuyang, Hunan Province People's Hospital burn treatment, have been through the shock.

two are moved up all the people, as of April 9, WANG Mao-hua, Liang Tan received only one contribution has been more than 2 million yuan.

>> 3 into the fire

Wengxu rescued five children

3 月 afternoon of the 21st, the town of Bo Tong Tsz Road near the country a family, house 4 less than 5-year-old lobby is playing more than one-year-old twins brother and sister asleep in the back room, careless adults at the door and neighbors chat, entirely oblivious of the living room are oil spills a motorcycle, and next to the rusting of the gas tank, so unexpected disaster.

14:45 or so, neighbors found that families from the distance that came billowing smoke house, realized that fire. "A child ran from the door, saying fire the matter, we Run! "WANG Mao-hua Lan Shan's mother recalls," Wang Maohua just outside the home, immediately ran to the scene. "

neighbor Lichang Lan said, "Wang Maohua side of the father yelled 'fire fighting ah, ah fire', while rushed to the fire, and then single-handedly saved the two children out of one. Wang Maohua not fire him this time. Tan was also good after rushed out to rescue the two children. "At this point, there are two children trapped in the back room. Wang Maohua heard that there is also a child, immediately rushed into the scene the second time, after a few minutes, all covered with fire, Wang Maohua holding a little girl rushed out. Around shouting, there is also a. WANG Mao-hua and Liang Tan only a third time to return to save the results a gas tank exploded. Strong shock wave to stir from the house out of two people, fell heavily to the ground. Fortunately, their sixth child was rescued from the back door.

whole body just keep a good skin

Li Changlan and quickly took the blanket around the neighborhood who helped Wang Maohua beat the fire, but soon discovered that Wang Maohua all clothes have been burned, the crackle is the burning of body fat. Wrapped with a blanket, cooling the skin on the adhesion of being torn down to. Pikairouzhan the body up and down only a belt and body because of melting and sticking together. Tan Liang Cai Bei side of the flame burning and could not tolerate, stumbling walk next to a pond, pour the water.

They quickly sent

treatment of burns due to the famous Liuyang, Hunan People's Hospital, was diagnosed with very severe burns, burns, respectively 95% and 85%, WANG Mao-hua is a good sole remaining body of the skin. After 10 hours of rescue, the two finally out of danger, regained consciousness. A week later, two patients safely burn shock.

4 月 7, Tan Liang was successful a second skin grafting. WANG Mao-hua of the right leg about 20 cm heel to the calf area, due to severe infection, muscle have been festering. To avoid infection to other parts of the extension, the hospital decided to Wang Maohua right leg to the calf about 20 cm heels sites were cut off. Smooth operation in the afternoon.

>> optimistic by nature

students call him brother

27-year-old WANG Mao-hua was born in a poor family, the mother in the hours he died, his father lost because of severe arthritis, the ability to work in his uncle's funding, WANG Mao-hua school. As the family poverty, more than 30-year-old brother has not married, the family is only one adobe room.

WANG Mao-hua Huang Yunhong colleagues, and Wang Maohua recalled the days of living with single quarters: "We cook with a partner, he is always free time on the vegetables to cook, particularly optimistic. His office always has a lot of students live on campus for students large pieces of dirty clothes, he helped with their own washing machine washing, many of his students do not call him a teacher, and called his brother. "

of optimism WANG Mao-hua, 95% of total skin burns, Renzhaojutong tears on the face of his wife: "not afraid, do not worry, it does not matter. "

Tan Liang

always sternest eyes only daughter, but in the eyes of those around them are pro and, arbitrarily, regardless of who the family needed help, he would take the initiative to extend top leaders. Wounded in the rescue was on the way to hospital, still in a state of semi-coma, Tan told her he had been good "to him (Wang Maohua) look over there\like? "

>> touched everyone

contributions received 2 million yuan

WANG Mao-hua, TAN good only for the rescue of a neighbor child was severely burned in the story is exposed, causing great social repercussions. Night of the incident, Pak Tong had chartered more than 50 villagers voluntarily go to see them in Liuyang. Lixing Wu, a rescued child's parents raised 210,000 yuan to the hospital. Huang Kailan rescued child's mother said with tears, I want my children to remember a lifetime Wang, Liang Tan only for saving.

Liuyang in Hunan, Chiu Ying, had just graduated from college came rushed to the hospital, donated 300 yuan, the daily also for food to take care of the patient's relatives and friends to see online posting called a hero. More than 90 years old Yu Hong Liuyang mining and leading scorer his family came to the hospital to see a cane, and donated 1,000 yuan. Liuyang City Experimental Primary School Kuiwen sent 2,000 yuan donation.

4 月 7, the China Foundation on behalf of China, Vice Chairman of Shun Tao Samaritan Foundation, visited the families of heroes, and 100,000 yuan condolences to the families of gold on the spot. As of April 9, WANG Mao-hua, Liang Tan received only one contribution has been more than 2 million yuan.

Waiter lied bag alarm caused large sums of money were stolen package of 37 days in custody

"lost my wallet, there are 5400 yuan of business shall have more than 100 yuan in pocket money, as well as umbrellas and other items. "March 6 17 am, Ryu went to Changchun Station Branch report said in the business when his bag stolen, police hope to find as soon as possible.

police will soon be stolen goods and arrested the suspect Sunmou. In Sunmou bag carried by Ryu, seized a stolen umbrella, but the package does not Ryu said the 5,400 yuan in cash. In the investigation process, the Sun Mou statement bag does not have the cash 5,400 yuan.

order to ascertain the facts, the police repeatedly asked stolen by Ryu, Ryu called each time there are 5400 dollars stolen packages. Accordingly, the station sub-report to the City's Procuratorate Sunmou drew wide approval of arrest. In the first prosecution when asked Ryu, Liu Moujian package called stolen cash 5,400 yuan. The second prosecution for questioning on Ryu, Ryu out of their stolen bag initiative is not 5,400 yuan in cash. According to Ryu confession, she just did not do waiters a few days. Business day, they found his bag was stolen. Reported less fear that the public security organs not to look, so he falsely claimed he had lost a lot of money. It is understood that false statements as a result Sunmou Ryu was 37 days judicial custody.

4 13, Ryu was wide-City Procuratorate to bringing false charges against crimes prosecution.

User exposure ambiguous performance hall girl in front of three-point win costumers (Figure)

Recently, some newspaper readers to reflect, Bantian Longgang District, said the streets Osaka Tianhui Tang obscene performance, very explicit, and there is a long time. Sakamoto Tianhui Tang's performance on-line is also reflected some even call it "flesh and Exhibition." April 11 evening, the reporter conducted field visits and found that performance is indeed very vague here, not only in front of a variety of attractive Lenovo posters, there are "three-" Lady Showmanship, Grand performances also clothing "savings" for the feature, occasionally accompanied by "inadvertently" in Happy Together. Performance end of the interview performers, the other that the boss is not, nor permit approval to perform journalists.


circulated on the Internet

Osaka Tianhui Tang ambiguous performance

at this time readers to the newspaper Baoliao ago, this newspaper has also been concerned about online Sakamoto Tianhui Tang performance on the description, comments.

Shenzhen in Shenzhen News Net Forum, 2007, there is one entitled "Sakamoto Tianhui Tang sex show" in the post, the post said: "I want to live in Sakata residents are aware of each such a pornographic performances, but there a few years, and basically no one tube, their propaganda vehicles every day around the streets of Sakata loudspeakers with very harsh to promote ... ... the content of their performances is also unhealthy ... ... a village hall can not openly come out to these unhealthy things, this is the Government's site ah ... ... "In the beginning of this year, also Huitie:" Every time I see 10 dollars, do not see white without looking, I like the front row. Sometimes saving money, just look at the steps Moon Bay, they will show one or two programs come out, dressed very save. "

and a network name "Shenzhen, Zhu," The early users have made in the Sina blog Bowen, said the Osaka Tianhui Tang's performance as "human flesh exhibition," Bowen said: "can not live, you not think in such a formal stage will be played so poor vulgar scene, several only woman wearing a three-point twisted carcass almost bare, constantly ogle the audience, and make all kinds of provocative gestures, The sickening feeling of its state. Really hard to understand anyone who does not control it? "


"three-" Lady in front of Showmanship

after receiving the reader to reflect, Osaka Tianhui Tang's trying to enlighten me on the show, but even flutter a few empty, are "legend" in the show does not exist? After pointing next to the owner, the reporter only figure out, the weekend performances only, and uncertainty is the day. April 9, the reporter went to Osaka Tianhui Tang, seen on end in front of a sign, "Spring Concert March\

4 月 8:30 the evening of 11, when we arrived in front of Osaka Tianhui Tang, where loudspeakers had been chanting, a man with a microphone, doing promotional shows are always the same also a meaning: This is the "adult Specials\

performance hall leading to the corridor, aisle on both sides of several pieces of nearly two meters vertically and 10 posters, all the above is doing all kinds of ambiguous actions of "three-point" girl.

exit performance hall sitting four young women are wearing a "three-point." Later, reporters learned that the four women is a performance of "Tai Zhuzi." May be too that were not in place despite this publicity man, wearing a "three-point" of the woman standing on high heels roll to the front, deft in a grabbed the microphone toward passers-by shouted for a speech, a time to attract many eyes.

fares are not expensive, 5 row before 15 yuan a person, starting from the sixth row of the subsequent 10 per person.


hundreds of spectators, only three women

can accommodate thousands of people into Osaka Tianhui Tang, journalists, or startled, in 10 rows in front of almost full of people, what a rough estimate, nearly 400 or so spectators. The air was filled with smoke, sweat and other muddy smell, on the ground by throwing a drink full of empty bottles, cans.

gallery almost all young or middle-aged men, occasionally to see older men are looking forward to every pair of eyes and looked toward the stage. Reporter turns around, finally found hundreds of spectators three women, and should all come together with her boyfriend.

9 pm, performances start in the excitement of the music. First up is news that the door to see 4 "three-" Lady, that is the fashion show, but the four women's performance can only say that it is the "nature\even as high heels, go even ugly than usual.

followed nearly two hours of performance on these four women became the Session, go walking on stage, dancing, or singing only in the way that a male singer to sing a few songs out. This four women have been wearing the basic performance, "three-point\One of which was snatched from outside before the woman on the microphone loudspeaker performance, another woman and another woman with the performance, in the dance with the process, the two women have made into a variety of unbearable purpose of action, while those appearing in the show "glimpse" of the action, but also aroused the audience cheers.

before the start of the Dance, a white vest, men in the Speaker reminded the audience of all, are not allowed to take pictures with cell phones or cameras. In the performance process, several men walking around the audience kept staring auditorium.


performers failed to provide performance approval

night near 10 o'clock, the show was over. Reporter to find performers to identify themselves, each other first shock, followed by silence. Looks like a white vest for men, but the face of press inquiries, he said the person in charge is not a time not contact.

"Where you from? "Asked.

"from Guizhou. "

"Do you have any performance permit approval? "Reporter asked.

"there. "

"in Shenzhen to do it? Can look at it? "

"Anhui Office. Did not bring. "

"You do not come from Guizhou, Anhui, how is it organized? And when I heard the show, said the performers were from Guangzhou, Chongqing and other places of entertainment companies. Also, you do not know to be performed in Shenzhen, Shenzhen cultural approval it? "Reporters continue to ask.

"We come from all over the country. Performance license thing we do not know, we are just working for. "

"Do you think this show healthy? "

"... ... has nothing ah, that is, 'three-point' it. "The man in white vest, smiled in embarrassment after the answer. In the end, the other simply not answering questions, asking journalists to remove the photographs taken.


ambiguous performance lasted for years?

in court, the reporter interviewed some random appearances audience, but the other one is a journalist, most immediately turned around and left, only a few spectators, reporters interviewed.

seen the show a man said he heard that here before the show more "fire" on the run, and after reading that may not be meaningful, but he felt that this performance is certainly an extraordinary thing. Another man said he was run over several times at night with nothing on, and together with the workers quarters of view, "all the money or to see the show, and certainly not to look so amateur dancing and singing, we'll also is directed at those two 'Dance', "" three-point "not Gesha event, but some of the action is definitely" off line \has been performed down.

the duration of this show, the reporter was not an argument. Drinks sold in the performance hall, a man reported can not say that this show lasted a few years in Osaka Tianhui Tang, a few years ago had a similar performance, but stopped two years ago, the allocation of the performers is a recent come, come, and soon, the weekend also performed.

the owner of the nearby shop different opinions. A shopkeeper, said the performance was stopped Osaka Tian Huitang some time, but in recent months, one to another performance of the weekend. Another shop owner, said he had the impression that performance in recent years had not stopped, every weekend on the horn loudly before the performance, just do not know the show every weekend is not the same allocation of people.

Village, the villagers without reason emerged more than 300 suspected man-made snake (Photos)

just a day and a half, the entrance to the village for no reason actually drilled more than 300 never seen the cockatrice! Triangular shape of its head, there may be toxic. The villagers panic anxiety, see a snake hit, but put a stream. At present, the police and the Bureau of Forestry personnel have snakes Naqu test results is unknown.

Video: emergent village, hundreds of villagers killed and more than 300 poisonous snakes Article Source: Guangdong TV "Guangdong morning"

am there full of dirt

10 evening, the villagers Zengcheng Health Baoliao said Guo, the new town of Fort Worth officials Zengcheng Village Cypress Road on the 12th of the dirt road snakes are everywhere, dazzling, but has also emerged a new snake, how to fight all Dabu Wan.

It is understood that these snakes do not occur overnight. At 3 o'clock on the 10th, the local villagers Guo Jing Dao Cunkou take the key, suddenly see their window climbed nearly 10 under the same snake, is triangular head, suddenly pale, quickly took a stick in the ground meal and Fierce . After dawn, Kuo out after a few girls of the family's thatched cottage full of straw, also found more than a dozen articles of this snake, even the grass house has, Mang Han people to play. Mended that the snake's playing and more, noon, Guo Jiazu actually suddenly appeared around the house more than 50 articles. Quite strange to the villagers, more and more afraid.

"said the elderly village seven or eight-year-old had never seen such a snake, a lot of weeds around the stones, do not know where drilled out. I hear that 23 went to the neighbor's house, thanks to not hurt people. "Kuo Chan said. In order to prevent the snake bite into the room, the villagers have planted outside the house sulfur.

capture of several laboratory tests

available for the evening, the sign of the snake, instead of disappearing, but more and more rampant.

According to Guo Chan described, in his house behind the old dirt road, suddenly Qunyi dispatched, densely covered with pavement, dazzling, rough estimate there are 200! This time, the villagers took a guy who went all over, and Kuo brothers started the war illegal immigrants. Can be a side just died, there emerge new there, under the helpless villagers only alarm.

night and yesterday afternoon, after another two groups of police and the Bureau of Forestry personnel rushed to the scene to help clean up, and captured several tests taken to urban areas.

According to preliminary statistics, as of yesterday evening, the village appeared a total of more than 300 of this snake, almost all were killed, but there is still a small snake sprang.

non-local snakes are not afraid of people playing

them registering the locals have never seen such a snake, not a local snake species. According to reports, these snakes are the same species, about 30 cm in length, finger thick, bark color, with dark gray spots. Head is triangular, appears to have highly toxic. "These snake weird, other snakes, especially the wild, generally see people hit and run, but these snakes on the site where people fighting motionless, lazy offensive weak. "Guo was puzzled students.

villagers suspected "man-made"

According to reports, the snake-infested dirt dozens of families living on both sides of the last two years because Gailou, roadside heap a lot of rotten rotten brick tile. In addition, the surrounding environment did not show major changes. With the villagers, the snakes crawl slowly, feeling less adapted to local environments, like the wild, and there sprang from the same direction, there may be a deliberate undercover. "Certainly not a natural disaster! "Kuo Chan said. Village women do in the official director of Song Jiqing is suspected that this was artificially placed near her home, "an official in the village will inevitably offend some people, may be someone wants revenge. "

University provides scholarships to treat with a selection will be abolished next year eligibility

award scholarships to students not to use treat, dinner, or they will be eligible for cancellation of selection. Recently, the Wuhan Branch issued a notice, any overspending scholarships, grants, they will be eligible for cancellation of its future selection.

It is understood that, at present, the Wuhan Branch of National Scholarship 2009 school year, national motivational scholarships and payment of state grants has been basically completed, in order to guide the rational use of student awards, grants, school specially issued a circular yesterday, the University, classes to take seminars, etc., to guide scientific and rational use of the winners; asked award-winning students shall not use grants and loans to dinner, banquets and other forms of extravagance. Complainants verified, and will lose their grants and loans to eligible for selection.

school Xuegong Chu Xu Yonghua, Deputy Director said that in the past, some poor students can not reasonably use, squandering and waste grants and loans, will not achieve stimulate learning, improve the effectiveness of life, but adversely affected by classmates. Send this notice to the state grants and loans to "escort" to the value of play into practice.

Unemployed men posing as employers online scams 300 000 Zhenghun

a former convicts unemployed men, in a registered marriage network, will be packaged himself as a "diamond bachelor" and with a false identity captured five of her affection, five victims of fraud a total of more than 30 million. Recently, the suspects were Wang District Court in Shijiazhuang High-tech fraud sentenced to 14 years and fined 200,000 yuan.

Online Dating

fraudulently obtained more than 30 million

30-year-old Wang, who lives in Handan Hanshan, high school graduates by the court because he had sentenced to six years of theft, a fine of 10,000 yuan. June 3, 2002 after their release, Wang will be wandering around there has been no proper job.

Wang looks cool, speak and act like successful people also, so he he wanted to spend money making by Zheng Hun. Taking into account the reality Zhenghun identity may be exposed, Wang thought the network Zhenghun. October 2008, Wang in a marriage register online to become a member, and information fairs in that he is the boss of the meeting, there is room car, still single.

the same year in November to September 2009, the Wang has met in the online name of Cao, Dong Mou, Wang, Zhao, Ryu, its fairs to meeting the boss's false identity, met with five victims love.

familiar with the victim, the Wang will be to fund Zhouzhuanbukai other grounds, to the "girlfriend" who steal money and success every time. According to statistics, more than 30 million yuan Wang a total fraud, has been largely squandered. Public security authorities detained the defendant with the stolen money to buy furniture Wang, TV, refrigerator and other items, but cheated 277,816 yuan in cash have been lost.

■ survey

10 家 Marriage Network 7 is not required

an unemployed former convicts, even the Internet can be transformed into Zhenghun "diamond bachelor." Network Zhenghun, who checks? Yesterday, the reporters find the 10 Zhenghun dating site members registered, of which 7 web site does not require any validation. "University Teacher\within the personal information.


other three sites are required to provide ID cards, educational cards, work permits scanned copy or fax documents for identity confirmation.

marriage network rise to a "crisis of confidence"

a marriage on network security survey, at the request of the marriage service website, there are 80.7% of the people to rigorous authentication as the preferred, while 96 percent of respondents Zhiyi, "Wang Shang blind date" authenticity.

challenge facing users, and to increase the membership information on the authenticity of some dating sites set up real-name authentication and identity verification system docking Ministry of Public Security, but the press survey, this one is "optional "rather than" must. "

Why not use real names mandatory in order to ensure that the spouse seekers of information true? Love dating network for a well-known person: "Marriage is a service-oriented Web site, if the real name compulsory for member registration system, many customers will be lost. "

"If the registered members to upload a fake ID, Member ID will be added to blacklist. In addition, the upload of identification have backup, if members of fraud and breach of the law, we will fully cooperate with public security organs. "The official said, including their regular Zhenghun including many dating sites, this stage will prompt members to enhance awareness of self protection, the proposed participation of authentication.

Trafficking of women officers in retaliation for the snake put in hundreds of poisonous snakes (Phot

by city officials in New Town Village overnight Qunyi sightings was laid bare. Guangzhou Zengcheng Police yesterday notified: 10 April in the new town by the city officials found hundreds of poisonous snakes Village event, is really caused by man-made.

villagers Kwak two brothers due to birth control issues with the village women, director of the Church niece Song Jiqing their resentment, then twice to Taiping Town, Cong Hua City, three birds Xingfu Agkistrodon market to buy a few pounds, at 4 9 evening injected, five villagers in Song Jiqing cottages near the back door, causing nearby villagers to panic. Guo currently two suspects were (male, 31 years old) and Tim Kwok of (male, 39 years old, are the new town by the city Kwun Tong Village) has been under criminal detention, put basically caught Agkistrodon clear. Event has not been bitten by snakes while officers were killed or injured.

Villagers worry about poisonous snakes

not divisible

9 pm last night, in the official Town Shek Kok, a bustling community of Guo Jing, the Housing Department, gathered in front of the compound more than 20 villagers. They compound the edge of a sensational fireworks to celebrate the release caught snake.

someone stuffed snake

"We have long said that, if caught after undercover in here, make sure you set off firecrackers to celebrate, now fulfilled, and Oh! "The villagers had to temporarily place the village's troubles put away the snake disaster. This reporter saw several villagers was also caught with interest to the three live snake into a glass bottle in the liquor with a 60-degree bubble up. "We should leave these snakes as specimens. "

However, after a joke, playing snake action goes. Guo Jing outside the home, one side is a collective celebration of the lively village scene, on the other side is the continuing battle snake team. By flashlight the faint light, the composition of the teams of several villagers carrying sticks and irons, still search through the bushes looking for traces of poisonous snakes. A villager, said yesterday from morning till night they caught a total of more than 10 snakes, and these snakes were later put a big red plastic bucket.

"Snake has had Zhuo De 7788 a few days ago, caught hundreds, and today most of the day under the rain, the remaining part of the snake may not come out. "Some villagers said," but we fear there are a few of the snake will escape, and spread throughout the village that can be incredible, so now have to adhere to hit the snake. "

Villagers fear a lack of self-protection capability

According to Shek Kok Society villagers, Kwun Tong village has more than 30 community, thousands of villagers living here, and Shek Kok in the entire village on the edge of the village's one. "Fortunately, a lot of pre-have wiped out the snake, the snake has been reduced the harm caused by the disaster, but does not rule out a number of snake has been in the agency went to the other. "

villagers Zhang Yi said, because they do not know the total number of snake, and she heard these snakes are breeding period, even after the birth may be a larger number of snakes, so the villagers now is panic. "Well, we are very worried about the snakes if the indivisible, it can be how to do? Once spread, and that whole villages have been affected. "Zhang Yi concern that the" short feel very safe, and now the village there are so many children and the elderly, that they have no ability to protect themselves, if bitten to whom to go after? "

snake vendors say their families without the knowledge

Subsequently, the reporter went to Guo and Guo were bits of Tim's home, it is a small three-storey house. Open the door, a 67-year-old elderly, is that the mother of two brothers. However, when a reporter asked what the village snake disaster, the old people said they do not know, but said the two sons are not at home, "Last night the police come here, bring them all Zengcheng, and now not come back But when they go to take care of my grandson, what happens is not clear. "

after another out of the room, a middle-aged woman, according to the elderly and the villagers introduction, she was the wife of Guo of Tim, but the spirit of a problem, asked to know that her husband put a snake? She has been said that knowledge, only said he was worried about her husband, could not sleep well the night before.

check ring check Pregnant trigger retaliation

Song Jiqing said she engaged in family planning work in the village more than two years, never played with human conflict, but had not imagined and the two Tang Shu grudges. Tang Shu Guo wife were places in September last year, just gave birth to a boy, in November, Song Jiqing the village to carry out check ring check Pregnant planning work of the notice personally delivered to a total digital home Kuo, did not think of Tim and Guo Guo then a total bit The two brothers rushed to the village looking for her. "At the time of Tim pointed Guo said to me, why for the family, I told them to explain this is government, not individuals. He was quite fierce, pointed to the threat I said, 'you against me, I hacked your family'. "

the incident had also drank tea

Guo Jing said, when he was just in the village and saw his wife was accused cried Tim Kwok brothers were leaving, said something, "You be careful." But Guo Jing Guo of Tim said that these words are not for the couple, but at all to say. "Later, Guo Jing Guo also drove motorcycles to the total bits for tea, did not occur after the altercation.

Guo Jing said, the day before yesterday evening, they had only heard Zengcheng of Interpol to the village to undercover caught, but do not know who it is. Until yesterday afternoon, Guo Jing couple were told to village meeting was told that his two Tangshu undercover. "They are brothers, bought a car, specialize in the business of trafficking in snakes have been for several years. Before I doubted them, but have been unable to determine. "

reporter asked, Guo-bit brothers were to be held criminally responsible, since it is relative, can forgive them? Song Jiqing said such a result is that they deserve. "They do harm to others, which makes the village the past few days have panic. I could not pass that one and, can not control myself not to hate them, I have 4 consecutive nights did not sleep well, the thought of that scene over and over that I am very afraid of snakes. "

had also been undercover

Guo Jing said Guo's wife is the Song Jiqing were bits introduced, "he (Guo total bit) married before, and we often travel, holidays, things will be sent to each other, but two or three years after marriage, the little from. "In the Song Jiqing view, Kuo total bit honest man, so she will bring together friends and marry. "His character is a bit introverted, do not like contact with others. "

Song Jiqing recalled that since the end of last year, before the house found two snakes and a small number, each time more than 10 snakes, are also short viper. The statement confirmed by a neighbor Guozong Sheng. 65-year-old Guo Zongsheng, Kuo total bit big cousin. Guo Zongsheng said that after 9 found Yiqun, as Kuo were snake-bit brothers know, FDA staff had hired them to identify, "Guo After a total of bits, hum and haw, saying only that the field snake What specifically is the snake that is not clear. I then knew he had problems, but did not say the evidence. "

Town government to promote the ligation of two child couples related Ageing (Photos)

to change that, the city organized birth control object or its relative "exercise class learning\

Southern rural newspaper reported April 15: April 7 this year, Guangdong Province, Puning started the "two children ligation special action," A few days later, the township streets to complete the task, mobilize out workers in "couple two children" return home ligation, and the use of "extraordinary measures" - send family planning workers to rural areas-home, away, "out two children households" relatives (most of for the Ageing), home to stay in the township, street office location.

4 11, 12, Puning's unannounced visits to Hong Yang, dams, prairie, pond last four Towns in and confirmed in these Towns in office does have birth control objects or their relatives.

for the masses called "related person\As at 8 o'clock on the 12th, Puning is to "learn" the birth control object has 1377 people.

◎ "exercise class learning"

leaving the Hong Township, to the dam, prairie, pond last unannounced visits, confirmed Huang Ruifeng "off Hong Township of more than one person" argument

10 evening, the reporters came Puning Hong Yang town, the excuse to see relatives, family planning services infiltrated the town next to a two-story house. Local residents told reporters that this seemingly quiet building on a lot of people stay home, mostly Laoshibajiao farmers, they were trapped here because of their migrant relatives did not return home after having second child ligation.

night, unannounced visits to journalists, confirmed the statement. Three guards were put there, the reporter saw: about 200 square meters of room left home nearly a hundred people, mixed ages, mostly for the elderly; room is humid, because many people, the air some dirty; ground Shop a few summer sleeping mat, but no place to sleep lying down all the young point had to stand or squat on; as bedding is not enough, many people are curling up with cold.

few minutes later, a reporter hurriedly left wrist guards. Before I left, journalists photographed some of the pictures.

68-year-old yellow and then give in this room. At 8 o'clock on the 10th over, then gave the home Wong Hung Township of planning work to be taken for the implication that he is his son Huang Ruifeng. Huang Ruifeng couple, three daughters, the family now lives in Shenzhen, operating farm.

Huang Ruifeng said a few days ago, village officials called to tell him and let him or his wife returned to Hong Yang ligation, or the town of family planning office has decided to take his father. Huang Ruifeng do not agree, the reason he is busy with business, and rural family planning service centers doctor "low level\He decided to dealing with the town of family planning office, about the time delay.

yellow and then give away the next day was (11), Huang Ruifeng Chen Yese back to Hong Yang, into a really tall two-story houses, sent to his father clean bedding.

12 morning, the reporter from Hong Township, to the dam, prairie, pond last unannounced visits, confirmed Huang Ruifeng "off Hong Township of more than one person" argument.

large Nanba government hospital, the town next to the office of public security comprehensive management of the three bungalows, set to remain more than 30 people. In a bungalow, the reporter saw a mother was coaxing the children looked less than two years old; prairie town center of family planning services, electronic classrooms, 10 more than the same people to stay home, call the classroom next to the ligation of the operating room; Chi Mei hospital district offices, office floor of two rooms (one for each sex) is also set to remain close to 20 people.

why these people stay home?

Puning Jisheng Ju is it this way: "The implementation of the unconscious object of birth control birth control measures, run classes to learn; object of birth control, go out, run classes to learn to mobilize their relatives. "According to reports, as at 8 o'clock on the 12th, Puning participate in" learning exercise class, "the birth control object has 1377 people.

12 evening, Puning, the leader of the charge of family planning, the "special action ligation of two children," the difficulty is "how do those two children working outside the family's work," To this end, the use a series of "extraordinary measures\. "

the city leaders did not mention "run classes to learn" whether "extraordinary measures\relevant personnel to stay real and effective measures.

◎ "stage remarkable results"

up at 8 o'clock on the 12th, just five days, the number of cases Puning implement ligation about half of the total task

"exercise class learning" does play a role. Puning Jisheng Ju's learned from, as at 8 o'clock on the 12th, just five days, the number of cases Puning ligation about the implementation of half of the total task.

town mayor is too wide to be Yujie Shao Zhong, 12, the evening ended, the town two children ligation special work smoothly, the night of 13 to be completed.

the township family planning service centers can also reflect the workload of the effectiveness of the action. Tsang Tai Nanba family planning service center doctors, they began to work every day 8:00, 4:00 the next day has been busy, and then sleep for four or five hours, and then to work.


for the "two children ligation special action\;, "extraordinary measures, namely, the passive situation of Health was quickly opened" in a highly special operations Puning.

◎ "hard task, died mission"

Puning must complete the upgrade, can not drag Jieyang Guangdong family planning work and even the legs, this is the biggest task

Puning iron hand grasp is not no apparent cause of birth control.

as by the Provincial Planning Work Conference criticized the backward and Puning in 2010 to three cities and counties to upgrade from a Type II cities and counties, this is "Jieyang municipal government to the hard task of Puning dead task. " Jieyang City principal leaders said: "If the task is not completed, the situation is not reversed, the goal is not implemented, regardless of how others have done, how much seniority, the removal firm removal, the removal of firmly dismissed. "

Puning 224 million, eastern five family planning backward counties (cities, districts) one. This year, the Guangdong provincial government that "strive for the basic family planning work across the province in 2010 reached the national advanced level," so, Puning need to complete the upgrade, can not drag Jieyang Guangdong family planning work and even the legs, which is the largest task.

Puning do exist but are practical difficulties.

Puning Jisheng Ju Secretary Hongyu Liang introduced Puning reason behind planning work, There are several reasons: First, Puning the population base; Secondly, the traditional birth concept deeply rooted in the masses, and family planning policy requirements still a certain distance, the ideological mobilization of family planning difficult; third, the masses did not in-depth understanding of the "one child and a half" of the birth control policy, do not understand, "the first girl child can have a second child, first child boy, can not regeneration "requirement, some people see other families having second births, easy to follow suit; Fourth, Puning migrant workers and more child-bearing age the proportion of the population go up three percent, this part of the object's birth control policy implementation is difficult.

work is difficult, but it had to do.

Puning's "two children ligation special action" is aimed to reverse the planning work to complete the passive situation, the action should be in 20 days, that on the 26th of this month to complete the 9559 cases of two children ligation. Superior leadership attaches great importance to the evening of 9 to 10 on the evening, Jieyang City Party Committee Secretary Chen Hongping to Puning 28 towns (streets, fields), and supervise the implementation "second child ligation special action." Perhaps feeling the pressure, some townships took the initiative to the special action to shorten the period from 20 days to two weeks, as too advanced a typical town of Canton is to shorten the period to one week.

have to do, it do?

local officials at all levels emphasize the point - is to take "extraordinary measures."

not to implement some "extraordinary measures" which failed to complete the task of grassroots cadres, became the object of accountability of action. This reporter learned that, as of April 12, Puning has dealt with 63 cadres, including a town party committees were suspended.

12 evening, the reporter interviewed a large Nanba government. Period, can be clearly heard outside the window a large Nanba family planning team assembled password. 10 points that night, told reporters Huang Ruifeng, Hung Township of the family planning staff in the evening then took the staff of the countryside. Iron-handed operation is still continuing!

The U.S. men's whole body for the record needle poking 1501 (Figure)

According to British media reports on the 13th, the U.S. 46-year-old man Ed? Bruns absurd to challenge the Guinness World Record for a few days ago has allowed the artist took nearly 5 hours puncture in the skin on his body punctuated 1501 pieces of steel needle.

reported April 11 this year, Bruns to local "for sale pain" and puncture Tattoo Studio, please go to the artist of a puncture the skin on his body inserted into a steel has a needle. The needle and Bruns have skin in the "parallel state\

Artist Robert

puncture? Benson spent nearly 5 hours of time, finally back in Bruhns, arm, thigh, etc. The skin on the 1501 total of needle puncture, the most Houbulunsi to than "the former world record holder" multi-pin plug has the advantage of 304, successfully broke the "one-time maximum needle inserted in the body," the Guinness Book of World Records.

puncture in the whole process, Bruns has not complained about a pain, just blink up under the eyes, wrinkles under the brow. When the needle is stuck behind 1501, Bruns stand up and accept the media taking pictures, finally shaking his legs in pain so he had a sense of shock.

But Bruns record after a few minutes, puncture artist begin his 1500 needle removed, leaving only the last one needle in the back of the head of his skin as a "souvenir\The two pieces of steel needle is also a pair of beads hung as decoration.

Some people have bought online identity price from a few dollars to hundreds of

Recently, the police rushed to Guangzhou, Anhui, Anhui farmers as a "rehabilitated."

It turns out that Zheng Xing farmers, was a much drug-related crimes in Guangzhou personnel identity theft, so by the police as "drug." After that, the simple old farmer could not understand how that is: ID has no Diuguo, others can be clear about how to know your real information?

recent years, identity theft case more and more: a malicious or fraudulent use of credit card overdraft open, or open phone card crazy phone calls incurred huge costs ... ... and the Internet, the acquisition status Certificate of "specialized households\Nanfang Daily Press began some research.

Office card account information audit lax

reporter found that in most cases, identity information disclosure stems from the identity card is lost or stolen, and then the victim has not paid enough attention, not timely reported the loss and advertised a statement to the lawless infringement opportunity.

modern society, buy a house, bank, stock accounts, air, Taobao registered account ... ... need to fill in personal information. "The information stored depends on the relevant staff of professional standards and ethical conduct."

Guangzhou Panyu a police handling the case told reporters the current bid for lax credit review system, and some clerk in order to complete index task, relaxed the strict control of the authenticity of audit information, to the criminal opportunity. The most typical examples, such as telephone fraud criminal groups operate a large number of bank accounts, purchase ID card, fraud, will be succeeded by a huge amount of streaming account.

Lee's credit cards to find agents, that I arrived at the scene without having to bid, but also without ID card, as long as ID copies of both sides and work to prove you can, as proof of the unit description letters, work permits, business cards can be.

purchase "specialized households" under various names

then, a large number of identity is acquired from where? In the "Baidu," enter "The acquisition of ID cards" and other words to find dozens of pages with relevant content, information mainly published in the forum, blog, or paste it on, mostly through QQ online transactions.

the acquisition of identity "specialized households" hanging out "sheep's head" under various names: some transfiguration intermediary, and some to the ground to open a bank account to buy stocks to buy; and some even to collections of old identity cards The ground-loving, high-priced acquisition of void generation card. How many kinds of posts behind the transmission of the disease, cause for concern.

in the train station, bus terminal, park and other floating plant where people gather, but also buy all kinds of documents hidden personnel. "They will not be publicly shot brand, but around search target, and then followed whispered do not you have the documents to sell." Liuhua in Guangzhou, a long patrol of the security guard told reporters.

acquisition to the identity of the uses?

easily acquired thousands of tens of thousands of identity cards, whether it is for what purpose? Reporters in a post a Web site that posted the identity cards of people called the acquisition "can be used to apply for Taobao, pat, eBay and other Internet real-name authentication trading platform; registered game; accommodation registration; immigration registration; for the kind of real-name registration services; bank account, securities account, home ownership registration, contract registration, business license processing, etc. \The purchase price ranged from a few to several hundred dollars.

press interviews during the Spring Festival this year, Guangzhou, Chengdu, when the pilot discovered the real-name system for train tickets, a number of "cattle" substantial acquisition of ID line booking, payment of a deposit, fees for profit. Although the real-name system reduced the "scalping" space, but people are willing to "borrow" the identity card. "This shows their sense of self-protection is very weak." Canton Police told Nanfang Daily journalist, to listen to strangers to provide identity cards, mostly migrant workers.

copy ID is "arbitrarily"

this year's "two sessions\ID card number of the executive branch the legitimacy of casual copying, and that "information on how to ensure that these copies are not lost, not used for illegal purposes," the real problem.

"hotel stay identity card, the said provisions under the Public Security Bureau, and many administrative departments and dealing with the frequently asked for a copy of ID card, or even to earn money, all is get the impression that Ministry of Public Security of the authorization or consent, and some departments are free to ID as collateral. "Ge Jianxiong that this should be standardized and made available to collect fingerprint IC card chip proposal.

[lost card how do? ]

Ministry of Public Security:

lost ID no

act on fear is not responsible for the implementation

3 month, Ministry of Public Security on the resident status issues related to the missing evidence to respond:

1. citizen identity card missing after the police station where permanent residence should be reported to the loss of replacement.

2. Citizens do not need to apply for the "report of loss\

3. Citizens in the use of identity cards to prove identity, the use of all relevant documents, departments are responsible for checking people, permit compliance obligations only after the confirmation process for the relevant business card holder.

4. If the resident ID card is lost infringement, fraudulent use of those and related departments should bear the corresponding legal responsibility, loss of documents were not on their own are not responsible for the implementation of the act.

legal persons:

may still be sued by fraudulent use of the public should care

legal person said that the answer lost in the national unity of the ID card go through after the procedure, but still can not solve is to another person may face lawsuits, can not be generally that "as long as they need not fear responsibility to be fraudulent," it was to another person and can not sit back and relax, people still need to take care of their own ID.

(thanks Canton Fair Strategy Teng Yuanqing lawyer law firm to provide this support)

Nanfang Daily Press HONG Yi Yi

intern Wang Rui natural co-ordinate Rongming Chang

[unannounced visits]

buy real cards ear deep minimum 80 maximum bid documents

based online access to the QQ, a press contact on-line purchase of a ID of "specialized households" network called "Harvest."

"Harvest" told reporters, not generation of cards, as long as the second generation ID card, the age to 22 years of age, there is no restriction on the household registration; female identity card purchase price is 50 yuan each, 80 for men 1. When a reporter said the fear of the consequences after the sale, the purchaser immediately reply: "ID cards are not for you, be afraid to take risks on the other to sell." But when reporters continued to ask for what purpose the acquisition of specific identity, the "harvest" change very cautious, I hesitated a long time before his party to fight over words, telling reporters should not say in these issues, and flew to change the subject. Journalists and "Harvest" conversation learned that at present has its hands more than 5,000 identity cards, are trying to sell.

reporters that would like to help a friend buy a ID card, "Harvest" said the ID card is really a 80 yuan to 260 yuan from the range area of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen is the most expensive a; a fake ID is more expensive, 300 yuan each. As for trading, the other party told reporters that express shipping 15 yuan, the money to buy an identity card payment through the payment of treasure. At the end, the other urging reporters to decide as soon as possible.

Strange fruit chestnut tree node like a bubble within the outer if Apple (Photos)

unremarkable chestnut tree, even more than 150 bear strange fruit, strange fruit looks like apple, flesh like a bubble! Yesterday, the Xinzhou District Scenic River Taoist Tao hi peach villagers, in their own tea garden, and found this new thing.

Hi, according to Tao Tao

introduced her house chestnut garden of 150 chestnut trees, is planted in the 80s of last century. The bear strange fruit tree chestnut trees, Planting monthly for the later. That she doubts that her family is still in the 150 chestnut trees do not bear fruit of long leaves, and planting trees to bear up tree but only a strange fruit.

fruit break apart and she would later found the flesh, such as foam. Wu Liang villagers the right, look at this personally tasted the fruit, that fruit is not sweet.

Yesterday afternoon, the Xinzhou District Forestry Engineer informed the matter, specifically to the Chinese chestnut research into the matter. The engineer said he had never seen a chestnut tree node of this fruit. According to his analysis, this phenomenon may be some bugs to stimulate the tree's flower, the formed fruit, but not as a basis.

reporter on the scene saw, strange fruit of the chestnut tree node, about 4.5 meters high, the tree diameter of about 5 cm.

School canteens are yellow billboard scripts ordered the school to review (Figure)

afternoon Huaihai network from China Yunlong Forum accidents that users gold anal baby posted "College on the second floor cafeteria open Xuzhou technician posted yellow piece is boring\.

a time when dinner time students, journalists in Xuzhou Institute of the new dining hall on the first floor technician, on the second floor to see the students are eating, talking and laughing. Subsequently, the reporters were in the restaurant door to several girls in uniform asked about the matter, one of the girls blush to know the details and said: "In mid-day last month, and the roommate Dafan see an accident, in the cafeteria on the second floor there is a canteen door of the third yellow scripts billboards, saying that 'Miss, how much sleep a night' which was written in brackets Fandao dumplings, disgusting ... ... "

billboard Jing Xian Huang scripts for events, Xuzhou Institute of General Services, the Commissioner technician to reporters, said, on March 16, school staff in the school routine inspection found the restaurant very indecent advertisements after spray painting , immediately ordered the restaurant's operators removed the billboards, and its made a serious verbal warning. As for the online posting of the things he learned yesterday that the school has ordered the operator to make a written review and rectification dining environment.

Scavenging funded teacher for 13 years, more than 60 needy students

in Xinzhou District Zhangdian secondary school history teacher, students often see Yi-Ming Luo picking up litter in the figure.

54-year-old Yi-Ming Luo themselves as teachers in public office, his wife is a school dormitory administrator, two sons now have to work. His family is not very wealthy at the local, but far from tight to the extent of picking up litter to support their family. Romanian teachers picking up litter is to promote thrift and charity.

9 days for the Romanian secondary school teacher Zhangdian "recycling Studio" listed, and for the Romanian teachers to do a "recycling exhibition."

reporter saw an interview in the school, Law school teacher assigned him to two quarters (each about 20 square meters) in one, turned into a recycling workshop. He filled the studio on campus retrieve the baby: not run out of toothpaste, not the boxes, broken umbrellas, old shoes and clothes.

Romanian teachers

wash them well after the classification: not directly use waste products such as mineral water bottles sold to the Recycle Bin; patchwork longer used, such as umbrellas and shoes and so on, finishing well to give the surrounding people in need.

Romanian teachers started from 1997, separate collection of waste on campus. "At that time, schools have a canteen and commodities, nearly a thousand teachers and students in the school room and board, for recycling things up more slowly. "

"sell scrap, about a thousand dollars a year or so of income. "Law teachers forget document accounts for 13 years to recover waste income of about 1.2 million yuan.

"Lo teacher put all the money spent on subsidies to poor above. "School secretary Li Jianjun Description: In recent years, Romania more than 60 teachers of subsidies to poor people, the amount of subsidy more than 22,000 yuan. At the same time, Romania has annual Helping teachers around the five destitute villagers.

"We are not afraid joke, I bought it 10 years, no toothpaste, use of all throw away you did not run out. "9, Romanian forward to visiting student teacher, said. His introduction to many students hung his head in embarrassment.

"When he first entered school, we discovered that teachers often at night in the campus Lo Pa garbage dump. At that time, many students do not understand: how a teacher is also picking up litter? Later, school teachers and students contribute to the earthquake, a Romanian teacher donated 2,000 yuan. This will enable students to new understanding Luo teacher. "Students said Wang.

"I was a child, parents in poor health, brothers and sisters and great, lot of money, the village folks often provided assistance to us. I remember, no shoes and was barefoot all year round, five years to wear a new dress. Poverty affects the experience of these hardships, I have maintained the habit of thrift. At the same time, I was a rural teacher and hope that through their words and deeds to remind our students, even if living conditions are good, farmers do not lose the good part the children of thrift. "The teacher said Luo.

teachers in Romania at home, still keep a pair bought in 1975, "Warrior" basketball shoes. It was sold that year at home after years spent eight yuan to the pig he bought. "The shoes I wore for 20 years, usually reluctant to wear only the holidays, visit relatives to wear. Although it can not wear, and I did not willing to throw, keep a memorial. "The teacher said Luo.

"all these years, good conditions up at home, but he put in to eat or not to pay attention. Son, a few hundred dollars to spend New Year to buy him a down jacket, he wore two days is not wearing. He said the good work wearing new clothes. "Luo's wife, tell your teacher, said:" Over the years, wear his clothes as long as one is reluctant to throw, mend them still wear. Sometimes he wore patched school clothes, he dresses like the students laughed workers. "

PAN Hong-mei is with the deepest feelings of Law student teacher. 88 th graduation, she has fond memories of Romanian teachers, school holidays, will visit with gifts teacher Luo couples.

Speaking of Law

teachers, PAN Hong-mei with gratitude: "I read started this when my father died suddenly. At that time, I am 13 years old, followed by a 10-year-old brother and a 7-year-old sister. Pull our brothers and sisters, one mother of three, when even the life is difficult, let alone pay for the three of us go to school. My biggest and only I dropped out of school to go home to his mother a hand. Romanian teachers aware of the situation, to do work at home to my mother and me back to school. "

PAN Hong-mei said: "Romania's teacher for three years I finished junior high school. At the time, Luo teacher took home a man on his wages, farmers at home wife and two children were young, his family was not wealthy. I remember the year, students are to bring their own meters in the school steamed rice. Romanian teachers afraid of me enough to eat, always put his bowl of food sub-half to me. I am nearsighted, and day school, the teacher put his Luo me wearing glasses. Night, he wore glasses and then prepare lessons correcting homework. "

say that these, PAN Hong-mei eyes were red, the voice choking up.

"Luo thrift and good teacher, a great impact on our students. "PAN Hong-mei said.

filed Luo teacher, Sai Wan Estate, 75-year-old Luo Zisheng old thumbs again and again. Luo Zisheng old man said, he had a 70-year-old neighbor called the "three-law" long live alone at home, children, daughter work in Wuhan. Over the years, the "three-law" house of fetching water and firewood are all Romanian teacher commitment. In 2003, the "three-law" because of cold weather during the fire, accidentally burned the thigh. Romanian teachers know, except to send food meals, but also for the elderly Fanshai wet blanket, wash dirty linen, quilt. 2 days, old man lying in a warm blanket in a clean safe comfortable sleep. Before his death bed elderly stool, all Romanian teachers cleaning.

any of six groups of Luo Meixiu Kawamura family is one of Romanian teachers take care of object. July 2008, Luo Meixiu lug a burden to the school to sell watermelons When the teacher met Luo. Conversation, Luo Luo Meixiu teacher that a home with a child suffering from mental illness than 20 years, after dinner to throw bowls. After that, Law teachers often send home to her bowl. These years, Lo teacher sent her home from time to time required to towels, shoes and blankets.

"frugality is generous, dedicated just happy, Luo teacher is teaching live around us. "Yesterday, President Chung clear water, said in an interview:" We are built for the Romanian teachers 'recycling studio', it is to cause it to play the most vivid moral school classroom.

Savage Shennongjia officials said there is evidence-based

in the enjoyment of "species gene pool" and "plant and animal kingdom," said Shennongjia the rumors of a "Wild Man of Mystery" this magical land depending on to add even more of a mystery. Shennongjia People's Mayor Zhu Hou Lun 13 news conference here, said that there Shennongjia Savage, is based; said no, because at present it has not yet found a clear fact take pictures, all the puzzle yet to be opened.

Zhu Hou Lun said Shennongjia of world attention, "Wild Man of Mystery\He said the Tourism Area "savage" than the Loch Ness monster but also the ancient legend, the earliest written records have been two thousand years ago. Yuan described by the "Mountain Spirit\

addition to historical records, Shennongjia folk "savage culture" abound. Observant visitors have found that local Yaonong medicinal herbs, bamboo are available in two and wear on the wrist with both hands. This is the Elder Yaonong allegedly the "rules of thumb\Thus, Shennongjia herbs prepared climbers have been followed since the habit of bamboo.

According to Zhu Lun

thick description, date, hundreds of people at different times, different time, different regions, different locations, said he witnessed or had witnessed at close range "savages." And that these "witnesses" described as "savages" basically the same shape, are a prominent forehead and a half to walk upright, tall individual, body hair more red, brown or brown, with no difference between the human form has been.

Hou Lun Zhu said that since the last century since the 70's, on the Shennongjia "Wild Man of Mystery" of scientific investigation and debate has never stopped. Several national and provincial scientific expedition team arrived in Shennongjia, discovered unknown hair, feces, footprints, and other bamboo nest. The analysis to determine "a kind between apes and human unknown higher primates."

Respondent with the background music audio and video store infringing a sum of 20,000 yuan

the "Dream Water Village" as the background music playing in the stores in our city and a store of a company by the Chinese Music Copyright Society sued on grounds of copyright infringement, the court, claiming the 20,000 yuan. Yesterday morning, Lucheng District People's Court began hearing of this city's first store to use background music infringement. The two sides have not agreed on the amount of compensation, the court conciliation fails, they will be a sentencing date.

"Dream Water Village" trigger a lawsuit

the morning of January 14 this year, the Music Copyright Society of China came to a notary urban 5 Ma Street, the company store to play background music, a recording shortly thereafter to the courts seeking compensation for economic loss and related costs 20,000 yuan.

in court, the plaintiff lawyers are available, said Wu, the company operated stores without authorization will be the song "Dream Water Town" playing as background music public use, under the "Copyright Law" the relevant provisions have been violated the copyright owner the right to perform musical works.

"the company's use of background music store, to create a comfortable shopping environment for shoppers, improve the process of consumers in shopping pleasure, and consequently on the sale of businesses play a role in promoting, is an indirect benefit The commercial use behavior. Therefore, in the commercial background music sites are performing the exercise of the right of the copyright owner, should pay a reasonable royalty. "Wu is to say that.

this, the company's defense lawyer, said Zhu Xiaoyong, the company sells shoes, not the music, play background music store just to create a shopping atmosphere. "As for playing background music on the operating profit is what kind of benefits or are unable to assess and determined. "

Music Copyright Society of whether the right to sue

Wu is to say, the Music Copyright Society of China by the State Copyright Bureau and co-sponsored the establishment of the Chinese Musicians Association and approved by the State Press and Publication Administration to establish, and now China's only music copyright collective management organization. The association involved in this case by including the song "Dream Water Village" and the authorization of the copyright, and under copyright law and the provisions of copyright collective regulations to carry out various tasks, focus on the exercise of the rights of the copyright owner.

Zhu Xiaoyong this is challenged. He held that the plaintiff and the songs of authorization signed by a notary public, the contract has not been whether the agreement signed by the author and the lack of appropriate evidence. "If you can not prove that the plaintiff is authorized through the songs of the plaintiff in the present case does not have the right to sue. "

"plaintiff, songs of the authorization contract signed with the Association, have not been notarized? "The judge asked.

"there is no notary is not clear, we believe that it is not notarized contract prerequisites. "A plaintiff.

background music on how charges will

During the hearing, the plaintiff demands compensation 20,000 yuan, became the focus of debate both sides. It is understood that the plaintiff in the prosecution of the former with the company has had consultations regarding the background music, but the differences in costs, consultation no results.

"plaintiff, you use background music on the store's fees are what ways? "The judge asked.

"general store business in accordance with the size of an area determined through consultation. "A plaintiff.

this, Zhu Xiaoyong that the plaintiff's charges are too high, nor a clear fee. And the existence of background music store infringement, the law does not clearly open to question. "This store was opened in 2001, the store place of business is small, and we are using a genuine music disc, it should be said that copyright holders have been paid compensation, to give us the fees are unreasonable. "

this, Wu is able to address the said fee is very clear, is approved by the National Copyright Administration, also have a legal basis. Is the area of business such as shops to charge, the cost per square meter per year more than 2 yuan, a shop charges no less than 200 years.

Since both sides on the specific amount of compensation is not agreed, the court conciliation fails.

Private owners, said the black car pulled framed by urban management

"I did not pull live how hard that I operate without a license? "Yesterday, private car owners, said Mr. Liu, his car just stopped Muxiyuan 2 Road near the bus station, several men in civilian clothes will be on the train" routine inspection \the grounds of the car impounded. In this regard, Fengtai urban management unit directly under the team members said there is evidence that Mr. Liu operating without a license.

Mr. Liu said yesterday at about 9 am, his car went out, after Muxiyuan 2 Road bus station, the car just pull over, a plain-clothes men on Lakaichemen the car, called "routine check . " He asked the other party to produce documents, but the man with the walkie-talkie called several men for inspection. Then came a city management team and a civilian, said Mr. Liu, "operating without a license," asked him to sign a single seizure of vehicles, which he refused. Mr Lau then made, the police inquiry by the urban management department, Mr. Liu's car was also withheld.

this, Fengtai urban management unit directly under the team responsible for this law enforcement team, said Mr Lau indeed operate without a license, testimony and other urban management department has sufficient evidence to passengers. If there are objections to its enforcement, may appeal to higher authorities or to the court.

yesterday afternoon, Mr. Liu Fengtai urban management and monitoring unit to the complaint-taker said it would investigate the matter.

■ Interrupted

1 Why are there men in civilian clothes law enforcement?

Mr Lau said the inspections for vehicles with 45 men in civilian clothes and without any documentation, a problem with enforcement procedures for this question.

Fengtai urban management unit directly under the team members said that if the inspectors to wear uniforms, not finding out the black car. These plain-clothes men are hired coordinators and law enforcement with the inspectors.

2 could face confrontation with the passengers?

Mr. Liu said he did not pull live, if the City Administration insisted that the testimony of a passenger, he requested and passengers face to face confrontation.

this, Fengtai urban management unit directly under the team members said, the passengers are on the record testimony, but to ensure passenger privacy, can not reveal its information. If the future prosecution of Mr. Liu, the relevant testimony to the court.

Petition was sent to a mental hospital shooting man called the police added money received petitione

Shiyan City Police Deng Fuhua Peng Baoquan and sent to a mental hospital concerned, another new development. Yesterday, the family asked the hospital to reclaim Peng Baoquan unsuccessful. Police said Peng Baoquan accept the petitioners 10,000 yuan, "transportation."

Police said the two income


4 月 9th morning, nearly 30 of Shiyan City, WJH Co., Ltd. employees, Wang is in front of the hotel reflects the problem. Introduction of a participant, lasted about 30 minutes later, the local police sent out, taking away 12 people, including Peng Baoquan and Deng Fuhua. Gathered participants said, and Peng Baoquan unfamiliar, he took a few photos were taken by police. 10 am, and Deng Fuhua Peng Baoquan Maojian sent to a mental hospital. Police said the two men are mentally ill, the two are undergoing observation and treatment.

13 days, Shiyan City Public Security Bureau deputy director of branch Maojian King's Army to produce a receipt, which he said was provided by petitioners Peng, Deng received two petitions were received 10,000 yuan of money Article.

receipt wrote: before the original delivery of the five transport workers rights protection agency work the whole 10 thousand yuan, dated as Peng Baoquan and Deng Fu-Hua, signing time for the afternoon of January 22, 2010.

police, the transcripts show that petitioners, Peng Deng wrote both the first material for the petitioners, and then participate in the planning of the April 9 event aggregation.

delivery of the original five companies

two petitioners, said the petitioners did was to them in raising funds, "each time a hundred, a voluntary fund-raising, said to be copying the information and communications costs. "

Peng Baoquan family members said money is not aware of the things, and wondered whether the actual receipt, "should at least control handwriting to determine the authenticity of the Cai Xing."


King said regarding the money, still under investigation, not determined specifically how to deal with.

family asked Peng Baoquan discharge unsuccessful

13 日 2 pm, Peng Baoquan Maojian ex-wife and sister to a mental hospital and request Peng Baoquan discharge procedures.

"We found the leadership of the hospital, requesting to get back Peng Baoquan. "Peng Peng Xiumin sister said, the hospital explained that because the police were sent to be signed to the police.

to 20:40, and the family waiting for the police to the hospital for the signing, during which many contacts the police, but still not see the police come to sign.

"They said come, let us wait. "Pengxiu Min told reporters, at 7 pm, brother's wife leaves grams of wind colleagues came to the hospital to inform the leadership of conversation to find leaves, and its picked up.

8 时 30 left and right, Peng Baoquan 75-year-old father rushed to the hospital. At this point, Peng Xiumin also received telephone unit, leadership is also looking to speak to her. Soon, the unit picked up come to Pengxiu Min, Peng parent to leave.

Police identified the basis of mistaken


In addition, the police on April 12 briefing, said during the question Pengmou said: North Water Transfer Project is its introduction, Shiyan 2 060 100 000 000 is the introduction. As a result, police believe, Peng logical confusion.

knowledgeable person, that his statement was sent to a mental hospital Dengmou from another mouth, the figure is 2.6 billion, not more than two thousand million, perhaps to guard the Ability to tell the police, the result of mistaken.

■ doubt

Peng Baoquan do spirit has two identification

family members the time to lay the blame lied Peng mental illness

Maojian mental hospital said the judge Peng Baoquan mentally ill, according to three factors: First, the situation with the exchange Peng; Second, Peng described the behavior of the police, the three are past history.

hospital CLC, 2008, Peng Baoquan after the failure of competitive selection in contradiction with the unit, the crime was sentenced for obstructing official business for one year. Peng Baoquan sentenced, the family suspected mental problems, the spirit of identification required to do.

2008 年 7 4, Maojian Peng made a mental hospital for the identification of mental illness. Identification, said Peng's wife leaves grams wind testimony showed that Peng was forced off in 2005, the spirit of hit. August 2006, Peng was wounded, the spirit of being more trauma, abnormal behavior gradually.

testimony, these errors Changbiaoxianwei: 1. irritability, emotional control, initiate unit or was asked about a matter of eye injuries is especially excited; 2. suspicious, has been suspected him ill; 3. do not want to with their families exchange, or friends. 4. Self-torture.

identification of the final determination for the paranoid mental disorder and is not responsible capacity. Families that do not need this result means that Peng served.

Later, the police commissioned the forensic psychiatric hospital in Wuhan City Office of identification. Identification of the agency, said Peng mother has history of mental illness, mentally ill aunt, Peng finally to curse or threaten public security personnel. Appraisal concluded that Peng line "CCMD-Ⅲ in paranoid personality disorder with the concept of super-value" diagnostic criteria, assessment of responsibility for the limited ability to identify some of the responsibility Peng. Finally, Peng Baoquan receive punishment for one year.

yesterday, Ye Ke-feng told reporters, had said that Peng had mental illness, is to help their escape liability, "I think he has no mental problems."

Nude female tour guide Kunming, the police announced the case of death of the family suspect picture

burglary, murder, the murderer actually left to the police, "the book challenges\Yesterday afternoon, the Kunming police released two suspects to the media image, the figure arrested in April this year, since, in the province and other places to find a single young woman with burglary, committing crimes, at least two single women are violated, one of them in April 3 this year, died at home naked, police found five days later. Arrested the suspect at an early date, the police promised to offer the capture of suspects uncovered cases of units or individuals, will be given 50,000 yuan reward.

naked young female tour guide died at home

locks have not been Qiaodao traces of objects placed inside the room tidy, a young female tour guide were surprised to bare die at home. April 8 this year, a middle-aged woman came to Kunming Fine Area 31 a room to visit her daughter and found her daughter had been killed at home. After receiving the alarm, Kunming Public Security Bureau Criminal detachment, five Huagong An associated sub-police rushed to the scene investigation, and in between the corridor and surrounding residential dispatched undercover to collect clues.

police cordoned off the area the first time, it will alarm people back to the branch of the Criminal Investigation unit for further investigation. According to the dead neighbor downstairs introduction, the woman is from Sichuan, the house seems to be rented. The April 7 evening, the woman at home is not unusual ring. To at half past seven on the April 8, his mother opened the door into the house when the woman's body.

"At the time, sent her mother scream, after a while, another scream, we noticed something was wrong, reported the matter to the Public Security Bureau. "Said the neighbor. Until that day around 4 pm, criminal investigation police are still on-site investigation. Reporter saw the victim's room door intact, can be seen through the unlatched door, clean room with several police officers wearing white gloves, are squatting on the ground of evidence. A knowledgeable person, the woman had been pretty dead, a tour guide in Kunming, judging from the scene, estimated by the Department of acquaintances, but this claim has not been confirmed by police.

Mr. Wang, living in the same district, told reporters that the plot is the old district, many residents, most of them to move back to households, foreign tenants also more law and order situation is not so good, he also said he was in the end of last year when it had a loss of electric cars. See also the deceased's downstairs Fine residential property by the company in November last year posted a security warning, the warning to remind residents of access to high security cases, especially burglary cases, the hope that tenants carefully.

leave letter provocative

Murder Room Jingxian "challenge the book"

It is understood that the process of investigation at the scene, police found a letter in the room left to the police, "the book challenges\"The challenge the book" at the beginning of their own had a brief, and left a name, during which also introduced the motive for killing. It has read this letter, the police account, the contents of the letter intends to provoke investigation by police, and police apparently want the words against. Suspect claims will create such cases to see if the police can catch him in the end.

After autopsy of the deceased to determine time of death of the woman on April 3 this year, that is, had been found dead five days later. This means that the suspect fled in 5 days to the police and not a small increase in the difficulty. Police handling the case said the view from the field investigation, the suspect has a strong sense of investigation, leaving the "Challenge book" is also very likely to confuse, interfere with the normal police judge, because many of the contents of the letter are fiction.

full cracked in Kunming, the police, the similar cases actually occur again, a young woman at home was against, fortunately, was a suspect committed a crime did not slaughter, before leaving Shi You left a "challenge Book. " Although the incidence is not in the case of Kunming, the survey found many similarities among them the details of my colleagues the possibility of committing the crime is very big.

progress of the case

offering a reward of 50 000 suspects in the capture of serial

To avoid the recurrence of malignant cases, yesterday afternoon, the Kunming Public Security Bureau, the Information Office of Emergency progress of the investigation of cases notified to the media monitoring of suspects shot and larger photo. According to reports, one picture is the police parking lot near the Wal-Mart store in Kunming, for the transfer of video and security surveillance system found. Police on the April 3 murder cases reported in the circular prize, said on April 3 this year, a district in Kunming Wuhua killings occurred. Full investigation by public security organs, found a major suspect, who about 30 years old, male, about 1.74 meters tall, his lips are 34 small opening (old injuries).

Motorbike taxi driver lied job rape women and nude photos

thought Chen would help his friend find a good job, did not realize that Chen even dismal, after her fool Fuzhou rape, and photographed nude. April 12, Chen was arrested in Fuzhou Jinan police. Yesterday, on suspicion of rape, Chen criminal detention by the police.

2009 year, a real estate sales in Changle, the cleaning lady of 18-year-old young woman in Chongqing Ji Hwang, and often shelter in the sales department of Mount Chen met the driver, the two leave each other a QQ number, From time to time in Internet chat. In late March of this year, Hwang and Chen QQ, chat, said that like-for-work.

Chen promised that she can help her find a job in Fuzhou.

3 月 25 morning, the surname of Huang arrived in Fuzhou, Chen fool Yimin room was raped, also took nude photos. April 12 at noon, police arrested suspects in store Chen.

Mobile phone repair after pornographic images of Main alarm

Leung buy a new mobile phone repair three times less than six months, the last repair shop replaced the phone motherboard, he found the phone number of pornographic images hidden. Mr Leung was embarrassed and angry, and alarm. Recently, the repair shop agreed to a full refund, an apology to Mr Leung.

Mr Leung said that in October 2009 that he bought a Nokia N86 mobile phone, 8 March 2010 period, mobile phones continue to have problems, has repaired three times or so, but the problem remains unresolved. 9 April morning, he sent a mobile phone the Nokia call center Liujiayao shop, customer service personnel to replace the phone board.

Mr Leung believes that customer service with an old motherboard to adjust to his new board package, or else would not have so many pornographic images. The day before yesterday, Mr Leung to Fangzhuang station alarm. Nokia Service Centre Liujiayao shop said they replaced the motherboard is definitely new, as to why there will be of pornographic images, they do not know, and now they are investigating. Recently, after consultation, the responsible and Leung Liujiayao shop reach agreement, they are willing to a full refund, and Leung apologize.

Mental disorders caused by road traffic congestion woman streaker

about 10 am yesterday, the streets in the Buji Jihua Road, a good mall next to the bus station next to a 20-year-old young woman suddenly took off his clothes in the street streaker body, causing Ji Hua Road traffic congestion. Police and a number of well-meaning passers-by came forward to help women dress and their local police station.

10 o'clock yesterday morning, reporters rushed to the street Jihua Road, Buji, saw a figure the same good 20-year-old woman standing at a bus station next to her naked stained yellow hair, wearing a pair of white slippers . Hands across their chests while the woman went to the road traffic, one would then go to the roadside. Reporter noted that there is a woman's right hand just cut the wounds, two legs and some eye of a needle. The day temperature is not high, the woman shivered in the cold.

quickly, surrounding the woman passer more and more vehicles on the roads Paiqizhanglong Jihua, passers-by immediately dialing the "110". 10:30, the woman walked Ji Hua Road, Lianhua Road and the intersection of Kat Chinese business hotel next to a construction site next to a passing themselves off from the older sister take the initiative to give her put on a jacket can be The woman opened the eldest sister, also picking up a brick from the ground potential to hit for Sister, Sister scared I do not know what to do this.

Phuket police station several police and security guard were rushed to the scene to maintain order, to find ways to appease the woman's feelings. A 60-year-old Lao Dajie approached the woman patient asked to counsel. Women's mouth that she is from Maoming people, at home and a sister. After she and her boyfriend fight naked streaker, out of mind to do just angry.

Finally, the woman was taken away by police in Phuket to bring the police station. Reporter learned from the police, the woman intermittent insanity. Her mind returned to normal after the return home from the police station.

Men spend thousands to buy 22.5 kilograms of weight after turtle want to release (Figure)

half kilogram weight 22, the back shell length of more than 70 cm, width over 30 cm, 9 night, the sea people from the other hand, Mr. Chen spent a thousand dollars to buy a turtle, and decided to bring Nanshan release. "The first time I saw such a big turtle. "I do not know whether this is a protected species, Chen newspaper hotline call.

9 At 9 am, reporters came to Chen family. According to Mr. Chen introduced turtle is the only person who knew he had just spent 1,000 yuan to buy there, it said only turtle is captured from the Nandu River. "It was said that only one turtle, much as 22 half kilogram weight, or the first time I saw such a big turtle. "Mr Chan picked up the turtle with both hands, not two minutes, your hands just feels sore. "Oh, too heavy. "

only turtle in the repurchase, Mr. Chen to it at the local market to buy the largest basin, can be put to after the turtle had filled the entire basin. Chen, let distressed turtle turtle in the home living room and toilet compartment freely. Returned it to buy fresh fish as food, and gave it a bath. "This little guy is very naughty, and just started biting the Hai Ba basin. "

He is not know whether it is

national protected animals? Experts or readers want to give him over to help. "Lastly, I intend to make turtle back to nature, two days into the Nanshan release. "

this, the reporter consulted several experts in the province, they said that the result can be further identified.

Men's 5-year sum up studying simplified Chinese characters commonly used in the program with four th

studying at home, 5 years, summed up a set of simplified Chinese characters the program, and to more than 4,000 commonly used word "diet." Yesterday, Guang-Jun Song Jiaonan farmers with their own programs to simplify the order of the Chinese Post, "I hope I can start a discussion in this simplified scheme, so that more people are concerned about the work of Chinese character simplification. "Guang-Jun Song said. However, experts have disagreement with, "now is not appropriate to further simplify the characters, otherwise this will cause a huge impact on society as a whole. "In the warm appreciation of the Guang-Jun Song, while College of Qingdao University, Professor of Modern Chinese believe that this option should not be promoting Revealed.

for the simplified Chinese characters to give up work

because of an accidental inspiration, read the declaration at the University of professional Guang-Jun Song of the simplified Chinese characters had a strong interest. "It was 2005, I read Wesley wrote a science fiction, the content is the highest human development to the stage of civilization, the text also will simplify to the extreme, one word can represent very complex significance, several able to form a fiction character. "Guang-Jun Song said that while their professional relationship with the word no, but since the idea of simplified Chinese characters has been lingering in his mind. Later, Guang-Jun Song just give up his job and began to study Chinese at home with great concentration. "During the time I rely mainly on live stock. "Guang-Jun Song said.

simplify the program "to delete the cross-point"

as many new words can not be a computer printout, Guang-Jun Song simplified Chinese characters are all handwriting finishing the program, were used in more than 30 sheets. In this simplified scheme's see, Guang-Jun Song will be used in accordance with the radical character classification, and then cross to the point of many characters to delete, the stroke reduced to a minimum. For example, the "rivers" and the word will get rid of the middle pricked, "Dan" character will remove the upper part of the point, quite a few changes in the complex font, such as the "win" the word directly reduced to the lower "Tony," "win" the lower part of the word into "sheep." In this simplified scenario, will a number of continuous words such as unicorns, monsters, etc. depending on the circumstances, integrated into a word. "These words are not open to use, simply to express in one word, can make no changes in pronunciation. "Guang-Jun Song explained that the streamlined program is not arbitrary amendment strokes, but there are some rules, trying to become more simple phonetic characters.

authoritative experts recommend temporarily simplify

from the 2009 National "two sessions" was made "to restore traditional Chinese characters," the proposal, simplified Chinese characters on the intensifying battle, Guang-Jun Song simplified Chinese characters is reasonable scientific program? In this connection, the reporter interviewed the College of Qingdao University Professor of Modern Chinese Revealed. Huang Borong contemporary linguists as pro-disciple, Professor Qi, since the fifties of last century, China launched a new Chinese simplified proposal, has made it clear to leave the world of modern Chinese phonetic common direction, so to restore traditional Chinese characters, etc. formulation does not work, but also with the country's basic national policy contrary. "But once again simplified Chinese characters is also not appropriate. "Professor Qi, the Chinese character is not a personal wealth of the entire Chinese nation has now become the common cultural property, provided that a slight change will cause an uproar character.

Men placards to ask for help adoption of leukemia, said his son could be bundled in cash 60 000

an 8-year-old boy only suffered from leukemia, and her sister matching is successful, because enough money to delay surgery. Now, parents have left 60,000 yuan, they said, who adopted his son, comes with 60,000 yuan in cash.

man waved "check" ask for help adoptive son

9 o'clock yesterday morning, Zhengzhou City, Green City Square Centre in the east side of a fountain statue, the one man held up an enlarged "bank check." This "check" out by the China Merchants Bank, a check showed that the date of issue for the April 12, 2010, amounting to 60,000 yuan, also printed with two lines of big, red letters: "Who can adopt my son , comes with 60,000 yuan in cash. "

in the men's side, a middle-aged woman took a man wearing a mask of the boy kept crying. Men claiming to be named Zhang Jin Choi, 39, who lives in Kaifeng City Weishi County Xing Zhuang Lu Guan Cun five. Woman named Mei Ling, Hong-Jie Zhang is a little boy's mother.

2008 年 9 months, Jie Zhang was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome (leukemia). To treat his son, Chang Jin Choi couple onward to Beijing and Tianjin, one and a half down, used up to 160,000 yuan borrowed from relatives and friends still keep receiving the notice of the hospital in critical condition.

"small Manivest bone marrow matching success with his sister, but later the same amount of surgery is still the huge sum of money for us. "Zhang Jin Choi said, because of missing required surgery costs raise the child's condition drags on. April 6, the child was admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University.

adopt the premise that medical treatment for children

mother, Mei Ling cried: "There is no way of raising money. Which well-meaning people are willing to helping cure children's diseases, their children will do to him. "

standing Chang Jin Choi stressed that the adoption of the premise must be to his son see the doctor, let him live.

"Do you know the parents doing? "Asked a low-grade fever also made a small Manivest. He said that parents should he give it away, because of his illness. Talking, small Manivest started to cry, "Uncle, I am the third year, and I want to go to school and the students went to school together, play. "

small Manivest the attending physician, according to Zheng freshman Affiliated Hospital of Pediatric Hematology Professor Fang description, small Manivest need further examination and treatment, would suggest that infection control after bone marrow transplant, the cost was 4 500 thousand yuan .

Man, a traffic accident died after being beaten in Hospital Staff

with ordinary traffic accident, the parties are 120 ambulances rushed to Wanyuan City Centre Hospital, the hospital Yuanba, a party also lost several of the hospital staff (other relatives), who beat violence . Three days later, the hospital to rescue the party died.

Wanyuan City People's Government Information Office today published "on the 4? 09 million deaths Tran briefing" (hereinafter referred to as communication), said the evening of April 9 22 am, Wanyuan Taiping Town Residents Hu Guoqing (male, 20 years old) driving two motorcycle ride Zhao, to visit the town of Taiping Ho Street Nanluguma children when crossing, and CT Chen million (Wanyuan Trade and Industry Bureau employees) driving the motorcycle collision Digging million, Hu Guoqing were injured. After this accident, both parties were not reported. 22:02, in the vicinity of the co-administration Angang Ting duty police found after the incident, immediately informed the 120 emergency center, report to command center 110. Wanyuan City Public Security Bureau, Secret Squadron traffic management unit trucks to the scene promptly, in accordance with the traffic handling procedures in a timely fashion. 120 ambulance accident was sent to both downtown hospital.

communications, said preliminary investigations showed that to reach the city center after the hospital inpatient Yuanba Digging million by Hu Guoqing and their families GUO Jian-xiong (male, 30 years old, downtown hospital doctors), General patterns of (male, 23 years old, Central Hospital nurses), Ganyuan Dong (male, 23 years old, the beach town hospitals doctors), have bright (male, 23 years old, Municipal Sports Bureau employees) 5 beaten. After receiving the alarm, Wanyuan City Public Security Bureau of Dongcheng police station quickly the police were handling and investigation. Central Hospital after efforts by rescue invalid Wanyuan Digging million on April 12 at 16 am dead. 13 am 1 pm, the dead body moved up City Funeral Home. Tran million to identify the causes of death, with the approval of the consent of the deceased relatives, Wanyuan City Public Security Bureau reported to the City Public Security Bureau sent a forensic team up to conduct the autopsy work is task force has sent people to send biopsy specimens and West China Medical University Identification of Forensic Medicine Centre.

It is understood that after the death of Tran million, Wanyuan committee, the municipal government attaches great importance. Municipal government principal leaders reacted angrily, both in the first time-quickly find out the truth, and punish the murderers, proper handling, efforts to maintain stability. And organize a special meeting, set up a leading group dealing with the incident and the corresponding working group and asked the spirit of "law, openness, fairness" principle, timely manner. Municipal government in charge of leading and City Health Bureau, Central Hospital, City Administration of Industry and other leaders of the family unit had sympathy with the unit fully and properly handle the aftermath.

It is reported that Wanyuan City Public Security Bureau of the accident, assault case has been opened investigations Tran million, five beat officers have been involved in public security organs Wanyuan criminal detention. Wanyuan Hospital Management Board the responsibility to monitor the criminal investigation. The depth investigations are being stepped up, rehabilitation order, social order and stability.

Man was admitted to psychiatric hospital 13 years after the sudden death

Beijing Research Institute of Chemical

Chen Miao-Sheng that employees have mental illness, be sent to psychiatric hospital for 13 years after the death of his wife, Chen Miao-Sheng Hua Chemical Industry Institute of the Beijing court, the defendant for its rehabilitation, the removal of , apologized to the family, claims to be dependent living expenses, compensation for death, mental injury compensation for pain

"Chen Miao-Sheng and no harm to others, but also the spouse, the unit on what basis that he was mentally ill, take him to a mental hospital until he died? "Lee month (sister of Li Hua, the case agent) said tears in his eyes.

"rule of law over the weekend," first come into contact with reporters this case, someone told reporters it was "a Chinese reality version of 'Flew Over the Cuckoo' case."

month again to see Lee is in Beijing Asian Games Village, Chaoyang District People's Court of the door.

psychiatric hospital in the bizarre death

15 years ago, Chen Miao-Sheng was sent to the Hui Long Guan Hospital (a psychiatric hospital), when he was 52 years. Chen Miao-Sheng of China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Engineers. The unit that their mental disorders, to inform their brother far away in Guangdong. By its brother unit, said commission, be taken to Huilongguan Hospital. , Chen Miao-Sheng began hospitalized in a mental hospital for 13 years of life.

2008 年 6 months, Chen Miao-Sheng toilet fell and led to femoral fracture. Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, doctors recommend bed rest for treatment of fractures of traction, but there are certain risks. After 3 months in bed, Chen Miao-Sheng sudden death, cause of death included paranoid schizophrenia (better), diabetes (improve), fractures (better), pneumonia (doubtful).

death records, most doctors believe that sudden death and long-term use of Psychotropic drugs clozapine (an anti-psychotic medication), caused cardiac side effects.

court, Lee said month, Beijing Chemical Industry Research Institute in the Miao-Sheng Chen Hui Long Guan Hospital, sent 1 year later, only to learn, Li Hua, Chen Miao-Sheng to visit, but not to take out.

1996, Chen Miao-Sheng Hua seen in Huilongguan hospital, Chen Miao-Sheng Hua told, the unit took the certificates of deposit, bonds, certificates, keys, etc., so that Li Hua to open that neighborhood, to his wife's identity immediately recovered. "At that time, his consciousness very clearly, not chaos. Later I visited him, in order to be detained in money, goods and documents of the things that he signed two power of attorney. "Lee recalls.

month, said Li, Miao-Sheng Chen family see how much sanity is not abnormal, people wishing to access their home recuperating. They then contacted the Beijing Institute of Chemical Industry.

However, the Institute of Leadership Xu, Chen does not recognize this, said Chen Miao-sheng said the "madness" and said "you must not see him later, a long time automatically from the marital relationship of the & rdquo ;.

strong deposit dispute sent to a mental hospital

"rule of law over the weekend," Miao-Sheng Chen's medical records in the reading time, see the diagnosis that the words "paranoid schizophrenia" and in his medical records appear on the statement is "emotional stability\; orientation integrity "and" quiet performance, "" consciousness "and" language to the point, "" clarity of expertise. "

"rule of law over the weekend," a press note, in January 1996 the medical records: "At present mental condition has markedly improved, complete disappearance of auditory hallucinations, paranoia still exists, emotional activity than the indifference, not seen any strange behavior, daily self-care. "

So what that unit is Miao-Sheng Chen and mental illness should be compulsory for admission to for help?

"rule of law over the weekend" journalist met in Beijing Chemical Industry Research Institute of the Ministry of Legal Affairs unit of the staff, he told reporters: "Chen Miao-Sheng to household items are placed in a large bag full day back to back to the old view that It was persecuting him. A meeting in the unit, Chen Miao-Sheng will be 10 dollars into the hands of the leadership that the leadership of poor health hear, let him buy something Bubu. This is so unusual, so we notified his brother, his brother said he had had history of mental illness, commissioned us to take him to heal. "

this, Beijing University of Chinese medicine, health law experts, Zhuo Xiaoqin said: "A person is not mentally ill does not mean that their capacity for civil conduct, mental patients are not necessarily without capacity for civil conduct, incapacity and limited capacity is needed to prove diagnostic. Diagnosis was paranoid schizophrenia, in which case he would not seek medical treatment should be decided by himself. Even if there is no capacity for civil conduct, then it should by his legal guardian hospital. "

According to "the rule of law over the weekend," the reporter, in the July 22, 2008, Beijing Chemical Industry Institute of Beijing Hui Long Guan Hospital to open diagnostic applications that require issuance of Miao-Sheng Chen mentally ill, long-term hospitalization is no longer proof of capacity for civil conduct.

Huilongguan hospital admitted and discharged patients and other relevant procedures had also been questioned plaintiff lawyers. Case, the plaintiff lawyer Li Renbing said the defendant's conduct, "not only violated Chen Miao-Sheng's personal freedom, labor rights and the legitimate property rights, but also in violation of Chen Miao-Sheng family's right to know, inheritance, given Chen Miao-Sheng's families for 13 years of pain and loss . "

14 years after the notary had just commissioned a relationship

Another controversial case

focus, the unit was rushed to the government when Chen Miao-Sheng, without notice to his wife, to inform his brother is illegal and subject to the trust.

in accordance with the provisions of Civil Law, the spouse is the legal guardian.

"Chen Miao-Sheng hospital when Li Hua in another psychiatric hospital for treatment. "The defense lawyers in court that issued the Li Hua's hospital.

This is with the Beijing Research Institute of Chemical

Legal Services Division staff to say the same: "Miao-Sheng Chen's wife was mentally ill, so units and be entrusted only to inform his brother sent to a mental hospital. "

In court, defense counsel presented to the power of attorney has become old and yellow, the plaintiff lawyer that power of attorney can not verify the authenticity, no cross-examination.

this, Chen Miao-Sheng Chen Feng said the brother, this is really their brother power of attorney issued in 1994.

"We have mentally ill family history. My mother had killed paranoia, Chen Miao-Sheng also had history of mental illness. "Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng has also issued a certificate, is July 15, 2008 in Dongguan City Notary Office identified Feng Chen Miao-Sheng Chen's brother and legal guardian.

this, the plaintiffs lawyer said: "This is the July 22, 2008 issued by the Miao-Sheng Chen proof of the loss of capacity for civil conduct is contrary to. "

then in 1995, when their brothers and sisters did not get legal guardianship cases, units entrusted legal?

Zhuo Xiaoqin that this was legally invalid, "because the unit did not get the wife of Chen Miao-Sheng Hua limited capacity or no capacity for civil conduct of confirmed proof."

no legal binding, "free access"

Ministry of Health Medical Ethics Committee of Experts QIU Ren-zong In an interview with "the rule of law over the weekend," a press interview that mentally ill patients to our current identification of the judicial process, "precisely because of mismanagement, and certain psychiatric diagnosis is difficult in itself, the non- mental patients into mental hospitals when things happen. "

QIU Ren-zong that from the ethical point of view, not all patients can be forced psychiatric hospitalization. "I think the key to life and health of others were seriously hurt, treatment or prevention of suicide can be a temporary, short-term force. But all these must be rigorous review, reconsideration, the approval process, but first we must have diagnostic criteria for these patients. "

Zhuo Xiaoqin also take the same view, "the general view that if mental patients will hurt others or themselves, or where there is no life skills, only need to force sent to a psychiatric hospital. In a mental hospital should be followed to judge his capacity for civil conduct. If a patient has capacity, or even with limited capacity, we should also respect the patient's expressed wishes. "

When asked why the unit did not take 13 years, Chen Miao-Sheng discharged, the defendant's lawyer, said: "We have not received hospital to pick up the notice. "

Huilongguan Hospital doctor who asked not to be named, said that, under normal circumstances, after the patient sent, unless the family requested, as long as people management, hospitals generally continue treatment.

defense lawyers to answer to prove this point: "He's getting better, you can go to a mental hospital in the nursing home to accept convalescence. "

QIU Ren-zong that psychiatric patients can be discharged from the standard that should not cause serious harm to others, "but it is very difficult, and need for admission and discharge criteria; and allowed to challenge the patient's guardian."

Lee after the end of the month in the trial, "the rule of law over the weekend," told reporters that Chen Miao-Sheng units will be sent to a mental hospital on several occasions asked his laid-off before, but I do not want Chen Miao-Sheng off.

QIU Ren-zong that "no serious injury to others, patient orientation, there is no evidence, he was sent to a mental hospital for compulsory treatment, there may be other purposes."

"Currently in China, on the mental approach to identify and treat mental hospital needs fundamental reform, it should quickly through mental health law. "QIU Ren-zong said.