
Planning An Exercise Program

When designing an aerobic or strength training exercise program, fitness professionals, such as personal trainers and gym instructors, invariably use the F.I.T.T. principle as their starting point. The good news is that with a little bit of knowledge anyone can use this principle in designing an exercise program that will help them to become progressively fitter and stronger, and help them lose or control their weight.

If you want to start an exercise program or take your current routine to the next level, you'll find the information and tips in this article just what you need.

What is the F.I.T.T. Principle?

The F.I.T.T. principle is a basic philosophy of what is necessary to gain a training affect from an exercise program.

Specifically, the letters F.I.T.T. stand for:


Here's what each of these four things stand for:

Frequency refers to the number of times you exercise. For those new to training or those just wanting to lose weight, frequency is usually calculated within the context of a week. For example, your plan might be to walk 3, 4 or 5 times per week.

Intensity is the level of effort you put into each exercise. For aerobic exercises intensity is usually measured in terms relative to your maximum heart rate while the intensity of strength exercises is measured in terms of the amount of weight you use, the number of repetitions and sets you perform, and the amount of rest time you take in between sets.

Time is simply how long you exercise during each session. For example, 30 minutes of aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, cycling, etc) per session.

Type refers to whether you do aerobics or strength training during your exercise sessions and the specific exercises you select for each.

The F.I.T.T. principle and Weight Loss

Why are the basic F.I.T.T. principle concepts important if you are planning an exercise program to lose weight?

They're important because they help you to:

Start with the right exercises and intensity.
Measure your progress.
Plan your exercise to maximize long term weight loss.

Using the F.I.T.T. principle isn't just important in your initial exercise planning, it is also crucial to your long term planning and weight loss and fitness success.

By increasing or varying any or all parts of the F.I.T.T. principle elements, you can:

1. Increase the number of calories you burn during each exercise session.

2. Improve your cardiovascular fitness and strength.

3. Help minimize overuse/over training injuries.

4. Build variety into your program.

F.I.T.T Principle Guidelines

Here are some basic F.I.T.T. principle guidelines for both aerobics and strength training to help you plan an exercise program.

Please keep in mind that these examples represent general guidelines only for those of us with low to moderate fitness levels. Use these guidelines to establish a program and then customize your program to fit your specific needs and goals as your experience and knowledge increases.

And remember to always consult your doctor before commencing any new exercise program and consult a fitness professional (personal fitness trainer, gym instructor, etc) if you require help.

Basic Aerobic Training Guidelines

Frequency: Exercise between 3 and 5 times per week.

Intensity: Maintain a heart rate of between 60 - 80% of your Maximum Heart Rate.

Your Maximum Heart Rate can be calculated using a Maximum Heart Rate test conducted by a fitness or health professional or estimated using the formula:

For Women (230 - Age = Maximum Heart Rate). For Men (220 - Age = Maximum Heart Rate).

The best and most practical way to monitor your heart rate is with a heart rate monitor.

Time: Those of us with low levels of fitness should maintain our heart rates in our selected target zone for a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes, excluding warm-up and cool down periods.

Those with a good fitness base should exercise for between 20 and 60 minutes in their target heart rate zone.

Type: Exercises that involve as many muscles as possible and allow a relatively consistent level of intensity are best. Good examples of these include:


Basic Strength Training Guidelines

Frequency: Exercise each body part 1 to 2 times per week. For lower intensity workouts or for those who have trained for some time, try exercising each body part 2 to 3 times per week. You can exercise different parts of the body on different days (called split routines) or you can train your whole body at each workout.

Intensity: Choose a weight that can be performed 10 to 15 times (repetitions) per set.

When you can perform more than 15 repetitions without rest, increase the weight slightly for your next workout.

If you are training your whole body each time you exercise, only do 1-2 exercises for each muscle group and perform 1-3 sets of each exercise.

If you employ a split routine try performing no more than 2-3 exercises per muscle group and 2-4 sets of each exercise.

Time: Beginners usually benefit from exercise sessions that last between 30 to 45 minutes. As you become fitter and stronger, you may want to increase your total workouts from 45 to 90 minutes. For most of us, particularly those with limited time, sessions of 60 minutes are typically ideal.

With rest between sets, try not to take longer than 2-3 minutes as a beginner. As you get fitter, try to reduce this time to 1 minute or less.

Type: Generally speaking, there are two types of exercises for muscles, compound exercises and isolation exercises.

Compound exercises use more than one muscle group to perform and are the most effective for those interested in losing weight. Examples of compound exercises include Bench press, Push-ups, Squats, Shoulder press and Dead lifts.

Isolation exercises use only one muscle group to perform and include Bicep curls, Tricep extensions, Leg extensions, etc.

For those new to resistance training, compound exercises are best. Once you have a base level of strength you can add isolation exercises to your workouts for variety and to help shape individual muscles.


No matter what your goal, current fitness level or exercise experience, you can employ the F.I.T.T. principle to plan an effective long term exercise program.

By using the guidelines above, you too can plan an effective regime that will help you to improve your cardiovascular fitness, strength, flexibility and of course help you lose weight.

Planning An Exercise Program

When designing an aerobic or strength training exercise program, fitness professionals, such as personal trainers and gym instructors, invariably use the F.I.T.T. principle as their starting point. The good news is that with a little bit of knowledge anyone can use this principle in designing an exercise program that will help them to become progressively fitter and stronger, and help them lose or control their weight.

If you want to start an exercise program or take your current routine to the next level, you'll find the information and tips in this article just what you need.

What is the F.I.T.T. Principle?

The F.I.T.T. principle is a basic philosophy of what is necessary to gain a training affect from an exercise program.

Specifically, the letters F.I.T.T. stand for:


Here's what each of these four things stand for:

Frequency refers to the number of times you exercise. For those new to training or those just wanting to lose weight, frequency is usually calculated within the context of a week. For example, your plan might be to walk 3, 4 or 5 times per week.

Intensity is the level of effort you put into each exercise. For aerobic exercises intensity is usually measured in terms relative to your maximum heart rate while the intensity of strength exercises is measured in terms of the amount of weight you use, the number of repetitions and sets you perform, and the amount of rest time you take in between sets.

Time is simply how long you exercise during each session. For example, 30 minutes of aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, cycling, etc) per session.

Type refers to whether you do aerobics or strength training during your exercise sessions and the specific exercises you select for each.

The F.I.T.T. principle and Weight Loss

Why are the basic F.I.T.T. principle concepts important if you are planning an exercise program to lose weight?

They're important because they help you to:

Start with the right exercises and intensity.
Measure your progress.
Plan your exercise to maximize long term weight loss.

Using the F.I.T.T. principle isn't just important in your initial exercise planning, it is also crucial to your long term planning and weight loss and fitness success.

By increasing or varying any or all parts of the F.I.T.T. principle elements, you can:

1. Increase the number of calories you burn during each exercise session.

2. Improve your cardiovascular fitness and strength.

3. Help minimize overuse/over training injuries.

4. Build variety into your program.

F.I.T.T Principle Guidelines

Here are some basic F.I.T.T. principle guidelines for both aerobics and strength training to help you plan an exercise program.

Please keep in mind that these examples represent general guidelines only for those of us with low to moderate fitness levels. Use these guidelines to establish a program and then customize your program to fit your specific needs and goals as your experience and knowledge increases.

And remember to always consult your doctor before commencing any new exercise program and consult a fitness professional (personal fitness trainer, gym instructor, etc) if you require help.

Basic Aerobic Training Guidelines

Frequency: Exercise between 3 and 5 times per week.

Intensity: Maintain a heart rate of between 60 - 80% of your Maximum Heart Rate.

Your Maximum Heart Rate can be calculated using a Maximum Heart Rate test conducted by a fitness or health professional or estimated using the formula:

For Women (230 - Age = Maximum Heart Rate). For Men (220 - Age = Maximum Heart Rate).

The best and most practical way to monitor your heart rate is with a heart rate monitor.

Time: Those of us with low levels of fitness should maintain our heart rates in our selected target zone for a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes, excluding warm-up and cool down periods.

Those with a good fitness base should exercise for between 20 and 60 minutes in their target heart rate zone.

Type: Exercises that involve as many muscles as possible and allow a relatively consistent level of intensity are best. Good examples of these include:


Basic Strength Training Guidelines

Frequency: Exercise each body part 1 to 2 times per week. For lower intensity workouts or for those who have trained for some time, try exercising each body part 2 to 3 times per week. You can exercise different parts of the body on different days (called split routines) or you can train your whole body at each workout.

Intensity: Choose a weight that can be performed 10 to 15 times (repetitions) per set.

When you can perform more than 15 repetitions without rest, increase the weight slightly for your next workout.

If you are training your whole body each time you exercise, only do 1-2 exercises for each muscle group and perform 1-3 sets of each exercise.

If you employ a split routine try performing no more than 2-3 exercises per muscle group and 2-4 sets of each exercise.

Time: Beginners usually benefit from exercise sessions that last between 30 to 45 minutes. As you become fitter and stronger, you may want to increase your total workouts from 45 to 90 minutes. For most of us, particularly those with limited time, sessions of 60 minutes are typically ideal.

With rest between sets, try not to take longer than 2-3 minutes as a beginner. As you get fitter, try to reduce this time to 1 minute or less.

Type: Generally speaking, there are two types of exercises for muscles, compound exercises and isolation exercises.

Compound exercises use more than one muscle group to perform and are the most effective for those interested in losing weight. Examples of compound exercises include Bench press, Push-ups, Squats, Shoulder press and Dead lifts.

Isolation exercises use only one muscle group to perform and include Bicep curls, Tricep extensions, Leg extensions, etc.

For those new to resistance training, compound exercises are best. Once you have a base level of strength you can add isolation exercises to your workouts for variety and to help shape individual muscles.


No matter what your goal, current fitness level or exercise experience, you can employ the F.I.T.T. principle to plan an effective long term exercise program.

By using the guidelines above, you too can plan an effective regime that will help you to improve your cardiovascular fitness, strength, flexibility and of course help you lose weight.


Using the Right Number of Repetitions in the Gym

First lets look at how to perform repetitions correctly and then we will look at how to cycle them correctly.

A full range of repetition should be taken through the complete range of joint movement in a slow controlled manner, if the weight is so heavy so you have to jerk, bounce, or swing it, to get it to the top of the movement, it is too heavy and your form will be compromised.

I advocate an eight-second repetition with a three second lifting (positive) movement and a five second lowering (negative) movement. I believe this to be a safe and productive exercise speed. When performing each exercise through a full range of motion, accentuate the lifting part of the movement slowly and smoothly for each repetition to the count of three.

Don't pause in the contracted position but lower the resistance slowly and smoothly to the count of five. Maintain a normal breathing pattern throughout the whole movement. Exhale on the lift and inhale on the release. Avoid locking joints when lifting weights, and always keep a slight bend in the arms and legs.

Fast and jerky movements should be avoided at all times as they place undue stress on the muscle and connective tissue substantially increasing the likelihood of injury.

Examples of this are: arching the back and bouncing the bar off the chest in the Bench Press; bending forward under squats; and using any sort of momentum for any other exercise. These will work counter to your goals so be aware and eliminate them from your program.

If you are not sure about the speed of the movement move slower, never faster, and do not sacrifice form for the sake of more repetitions. The slower speed is safer because you can stop at any point in the movement range. There are also advantages to training with slower movement speeds. These include:

. A longer period of muscle tension
. A higher level of muscle force
. A lower risk of tissue trauma and injury

The development of lean muscle and strength go hand in hand, therefore an exercise session will have to be designed so that when your strength improves, you will increase your useful lean muscle also.

Changes in repetitions and weight throughout a bodybuilding training cycle is an effective way to maintain progress over time and avoid training plateaus (ie when you fall into a slump in terms of your inability to gain strength and muscle).

Activation of muscle fiber types is dependent upon the levels of tension experienced in the muscle and feedback provided from the muscle sensory organs. So the number of repetitions per set have to be changed throughout a strength training cycle.

The higher the repetitions for a strength training exercise, the more the slow twitch muscle fibers are affected. These are the muscle fibers that promote endurance.

Moving further down the scale, the lower repetition range will activate the fast twitch muscle fibers (strength muscle fibers) and increase strength to grow lean muscle. For strength training the stimulus must be below 20 repetitions to have an effect on the phosphate energy system and to activate the fast twitch fibres.

The resistance must also be progressively increasing for the number of repetitions performed to achieve your training goals.

The number of repetitions per set of exercises can then be adjusted between say 15 and 8 over a ten week strength training cycle. From these adjustments, as you move from week one to week ten, the absolute intensity of the exercise increases (the weight used for the exercises increases) thus promoting more functional muscle growth.

The closer your strength training cycle progresses towards the end of the cycle, the lower you’ll find the repetitions will become, and the heavier the weight. This will have an effect on increasing your lean functional muscle and hence elevating your metabolism for fat loss.

For gains in strength and muscle size, long rest periods must be used to replenish the phosphate energy system for maximum performance in the next exercise.

Slow controlled contractions are also recommended for controlled tension on the muscle and for safety. When you reach a point where you’re using exercises with heavy weights (ie free weights, and the bench press), have a helper or spotter handy who will give you support on the last few reps. Alternatively, you can use machines where no spotter is necessary.


Maximum Neuromuscular Activation: The Key to Better Workouts

Neuromuscular activation is a term commonly used in physical therapy. The neuromuscular system is a combination of the nervous system (neural) and the muscular system (muscular). In essence, your nerves and muscles working together. Physical therapists know that when doing rehabilitation often times you are working to improve or regain optimal neuromuscular function. And they know that certain exercise provide more neuromuscular activation than others.

But the latest research has shown that neuromuscular activation goes beyond physical therapy. As it turns out, neuromuscular activation is the one factor that determines the effectiveness of exercises for both muscle building and muscle toning.

Your muscles develop because they get stronger, adapting to what you are asking them to do. That is true whether you are working for big muscles or toned muscles. You need stronger muscles to handle the work you are putting them through. What tells your muscles to get stronger is your brain, which communicates with your muscles through your nervous system. Therefore, developing muscle strength is a function of your neuromuscular system.

Since the neuromuscular system is the combination of the nervous and muscular system, the more involvement of each of those systems an exercise requires, the more neuromuscular activation it provides. Therefore there are two ways to affect neuromuscular activation: one is to increase the muscular system involvement. You do that by choosing compound exercises over isolation exercises, since compound exercises engage more muscles. The other is to increase the degree to which your nervous system is involved. And you do that by choosing exercises that require more control, more focus, more involvement of your mind. When you do a compound exercise that also requires the most control and focus, you achieve maximum neuromuscular activation.

The ideal routine, providing maximum neuromuscular activation, should be comprised mostly of compound exercises, using free weight and body weight. But maximum neuromuscular activation can be achieved for different methods of exercises. You can choose free weight exercises that require the most neuromuscular activation, you can choose resistance band exercises that require the most neuromuscular activation, you can even choose the machines that require the most neuromuscular activation.

The higher the degree of neuromuscular activation the more effective the exercise, which makes for faster routines because you don’t need several exercises for each muscle group in order to achieve great results and you need fewer sets of each exercise. This also allows you to work out less often because you don’t need several workouts to deliver great results. Those routines will give men a strong, solid, naturally muscular and masculine looking body, and give women a toned, feminine, well shaped body.


The Swiss Ball – Effective, Dynamic and Versatile

A Swiss Ball (also known as Thera Ball, Balance Ball and Stability Ball) is a very useful, dynamic and cost effective tool to utilize for many different types of exercises! It comes in a variety of sizes and can be inflated to your desired firmness. Here are a few great reasons people believe it to be so effective and we highly advise it to add versatility to your work out routines:

The Swiss ball recruits more muscle fibers for exercises:

Any time a Swiss ball is used for any type of exercise, the instability of the ball requires the use of many stabilizer muscles to support the action. This will definitely increase your balance, stability and strength around the core and joints. You will be building strength in muscles that you didn’t even know you are working!

The Swiss ball is very effective for crunches:

Any time you are doing crunches, you start in a pre-stretched position due to the contour of the ball and allow your abdominals to work through a full range of motion. Also, the instability of the ball works the oblique areas slightly and gives you an incredibly balanced 6 pack!

The Swiss ball is an amazing core development tool:

It forces your mid-section muscles to be constantly contracting when you are doing any exercise on the ball in order to maintain balance and stability even when you are focusing on other muscle groups.

The Swiss ball is great alternative to a bench:

When utilizing a Swiss ball instead of a traditional bench, it is usually a good idea to lighten up the weight to start. Try doing a chest press and/or a chest fly as well as a one arm dumbbell row. By using the ball, you will make strength gains in your core and stabilizers that will benefit you greatly when you return to the bench, allowing you to work with heavier weights confidently.

The Swiss ball helps develop the weaker side of your body:

Any time the ball is being used, it forces the weaker side of your body to work just as hard as the stronger side in order to keep balanced, therefore helping both sides of your body to be developed equally with better symmetry.

The Swiss ball can be utilized for advanced training techniques:

Feel free to get creative with the ball and try some of your own exercises to really give your body a shock and give it the variety it needs in order to effectively grow. One of my favorite Swiss ball exercises is to kneel on the ball with my feet right off the ground and do 12 Shoulder Lateral Raises, 12 Front Raises per side and 12 Shoulder Presses with 10-15lb dumbbells all in a row while balancing on the ball!!!


10 tips for a Firm Sexy Butt!

The gluteus maximus or “glutes” as they are sometimes known as are actually the largest and strongest muscles in your entire body! Nice shapely buns are an exceptionally attractive feature for females and males alike. There are many different slang terms also used to describe this muscle group such as: buttocks, bum, backside, booty, bottom or ass.

You will need to have a proper training regime and a disciplined nutritional plan in place to attain great glutes. It will take some time to achieve a nice firm butt; however it is possible with focus and persistence.

Here are 10 tips to guide you in developing that firm sexy butt!

1. Participate in sports that keep you on your toes: Any form of exercise or activity that keeps us on our feet and moving or which otherwise generally works the legs will help us tone our glutes. This is especially true for any competitive sports because it causes the associated muscles intensely working to contract frequently, including the gluteus maximus. Sports that are amazing for glute development are Running, Walking, Cycling, Tennis, Racquetball, and Swimming as well as any team sports played on ice or a field.

2. Use weights instead of just body weight: To be much more effective and efficient in increasing your lean muscle mass and strength in your glutes, it is a good idea to add weight when you are doing your butt exercises. This will make them work harder and burn many more calories, plus save you time on your way to getting the results you seek. Use dumbbells or barbells for exercises such as squats, lunges, step-ups or wall sits.

3. Do really slow moving exercises: By eliminating momentum and fast moving exercises, which cheat you out of great results, will increase your effectiveness. By utilizing proper form and timing, your muscles will maximize the exercise potential and give them time to fully contract. Take for example doing a squat. I would suggest doing a count of 4 on the way down, pause for a split second and a count of 2-3 on the way back up.

4. Do isometric glute training: Isometrics are a form of exercising involving the static contraction of a muscle without any movement at a specific angle of a joint. This is excellent for building strength and much more effective for increasing power than dynamic exercises. Basically you would hold a specific position for a period of time until muscle fatigue or a set time. Personally, I love the Wall Ball Sit. Take a Swiss Ball and place it up against a wall and then with your legs at a 90 degree angle lean against the ball with your back and hold for as long as you can until your legs give out. To make it more challenging, time yourself, add some dumbbells and then continuously try to break your own record!!!

5. Gluteal Flexing: This can be virtually anywhere and at anytime. Of course you might not want to participate in public; however I will leave that up to you. Simply tighten the muscles of you gluteus maximus and hold the contraction. You can do short repetitions of 1-2 seconds or longer ones of 5-6 seconds then release and repeat. This is a great exercise when you are sitting at your desk, watching TV or working on your computer.

6. Cardio, cardio and more cardio: By focusing your energies on a substantial amount of cardiovascular training will exponentially help shape tight firm glutes! Spice it up and continuously do a variety of different machines. Concentrate on those that directly work the bottom such as the cross-trainer (in both directions), the stepper, stair climber and the rower. Personally I like to do about a half hour first thing when I get up and then another half hour after my one hour resistance training work out in the late afternoon, five days per week.

7. Exercises that target the glutes: It is essential to include some form of resistance exercise when developing nice shapely and strong buns! For the gluteus maximus I would suggest: Barbell and dumbbell squats, dead lifts, lunges, leg press, single leg kick backs and the butt blaster machine. For the gluteus medius you can include seated or cable adduction and abduction. A few other great exercises are the bridge, lying straight leg side raises and kneeling donkey kicks which can also be done with ankle weights for added resistance.

8. When targeting the glutes make sure you can see them: By having your butt in plain view is a great way to motivate you to work on it! Many people who don’t favour their rear end tend to hide it under long t-shirts or tie a long sleeve shirt around it. Everyone in the gym is there for the same reason and believe me by hiding it doesn’t make it magically disappear or go away. Remind yourself in the mirror by keeping it visible and get inspired to do something about it!!!

9. Sneak in some mini work outs throughout the day: A great way to get some bonus miles on your buns is to do exercises while you go through your day. In your office you can keep a set of ankle weights or light dumbbells to periodically take a break. On walks with your dog you can focus on lunging or doing a 90 degree wall sit against a tree. Standing in line at the bank or grocery store you can do calf raises or gluteal flexing. Get creative! It all adds up to a better bum!

10. Relax with a gluteal massage: I absolutely love having my buns participate in a therapeutic massage by a trained professional roughly once a month. By receiving deep muscle massage on your glutes, you will enhance the entire muscle group’s shape, tension and overall health. This is an excellent way to prevent muscle atrophy and restore the muscle group. Plus, it feels really, really good!


Olympics: America's Lindsey Vonn Going for the gold

She is attractive, strong, and full of energy: ski-Star Lindsey Vonn dominated the ski hills last year with her training. Her record stands: the overall World Cup champion, two world championship medals and a total of twelve and six downhill super-G victories. But Lindsey Vonn does not hold back - for the new season has started, it she has much larger ambitions: going for the gold! And to get there she knows she must train hard every day.

"Work hard and it pays off!" It is this philosophy of life that dominates Lindsey Vonn. The 25-year-old skier is a world leader – and today is perhaps the best racer in the world. But what looks easy and relaxed on the slopes, is the result of a long preparation and intensive training. Lindsey Vonn’s success is driven by hard work, discipline and dedication.

Lindsey Vonn grew up as a skiier. She was born in Minnesota, which is fairly flat, and not somewhere you would expect an Olympic skiier to be raised. Nevertheless, her father introduced her to the sport of skiing. Lindsey Vonn's father, who had once won the U.S. Junior Championships, recognized the exceptional talent of his daughter quickly. Every year in the winter time, he would send her to Colorado, where she participated in special training camps. As Lindsey Vonn reached the age of eleven, she pulled her entire family to the Vail ski resort in Colorado. This is the biggest ski area in the U.S., and where her talent and career was started.

The move of the family managed to pay off: at 15, Lindsey celebrated her first major success as U.S. Vice-Champion in downhill. Lindsey Vonn had her breakthrough at the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City: coming in sixth place in the combination, she surprised the competition. From then on, her career blossomed: many rankings, victories, and then last winter came the best and most successful season of her career.

After Lindsey’s success, she continued in the new season, and during the summer break worked on her body and fitness levels. After her last race in March, her American trainer gave himself only a short breather before they began to prepare: in May, the starting signal was given for the upcoming season. Lindsey Vonn started the year training in the U.S., followed by units in Austria and New Zealand in September and then a training camp in Chile, where she took the final touches for the World Cup opener in Soelden.

"Get up when you fall – and want it more than ever." It is probably this second life philosophy that Lindsey Vonn describes as her motivational tool. Even during the summer training, her goals were clear in her mind. The 25-year-old works hard for months of preparation to succeed in the winter races. Lindsey can therefore be found in the fitness studio throughout the summer regularly for daily units to strengthen the body. In order to be a powerful racer on the slopes you need body mass. The stronger you are, the faster you are, says Lindsey Vonn. In addition to endurance strength training and on the bike, she will play tennis.

With 120 miles an hour down the runway - strength and endurance are one priority, mental strength and good nerves are the others. Every night she tries to relax for at least nine hours sleep, or drifts off to her favorite television series "Law & Order" which is one of her and her families weaknesses.


Overcoming Obstacles to Fat Loss

The majority of my clients come to me because they have a desire to make a change in their lives and physique; often, there will be a specific target (invariably weight loss) that jolts them into action but, in the main, I recognise a desire to improve their lifestyle above and beyond fitting into a smaller dress.

With all clients, I am happy to spend the time explaining to them that making changes to their lifestyle is an intrinsic part of achieving sustained fat loss because, if your cellular function is corrupted and lacking in essential nutrients, you cannot influence their actions and therefore cannot control your metabolism. Fat loss will be minimal.

However, there remains a significant minority of clients whose expectations are totally out of sync with reality and think they can achieve a sculpted body and balanced mind by simply amending their workout! These clients will present themselves in desperate need of a change to their daily routine, typically dehydrated, sleeping badly, over-stressed and a distinct lack of energy; the next step is to ask me what exercises will fix these problems. If your sleep, stress, digestion and energy patterns are shattered, then no matter how well I refine your deadlift, it’s not going to do squat!

To change the state of your body, it helps to have a basic understanding of the way it functions and, most importantly, what its requirements are. Fat is burnt inside the mitochondrion of each cell in a process called the Krebs Cycle, which will metabolise substrates of protein, fat and carbohydrates depending on circumstances. These circumstances include the availability of these fuels (which relates to the amount of each nutrient consumed in the diet), the energy requirement of the body at the time (which relates to the intensity and type of exercise) and the cellular conditions that permit such reactions to take place. This last point refers to a number of requirements that have been sculpted over millions of years of evolution.

Areas to look at fully include:
Stress load
Toxic load
Diet balance
Hormonal balance

If one of these is out of kilter, others will be too. Just as in the Stone Age, your body’s cells can only operate the way nature intended when the body receives sufficient quantity and quality of sleep, sufficient water to bathe the cells with enough fluid for metabolic reactions to occur, healthy stress patterns to balance hormonal patterns and immune system reactions throughout the body and, amongst other things, effective digestive function. To get deep and refreshing sleep, to maintain mineral balance to retain water in the correct places, to sustain and support healthy adrenal function and balance the immune system, etc, your body has a never-ending demand for a wide array of essential nutrients (eg. vitamins and minerals, amino acids, essential fats, etc).

If your diet is not providing these nutrients required, you will not function the way you should and you will not burn fat the way you should. If you do put these vitamins and minerals into your body but then compromise your digestive system with an excessive stress load, you will leave your body short in a similar way. Caffeine, alcohol, drug and sugar intake are all suitable ways to drain your body’s stores of nutrients, thus directly working against sensible steps such as vitamin supplementation.

In an age where our foods are regularly exposed to pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and the average individual eats their own body weight in food additives each year, a high-potency multivitamin is an essential – but on its own is unlikely to be enough if your lifestyle is constantly draining your body’s resources. If you do not have sufficient sleep, your stress hormones will be elevated for the whole of the days that follows, draining your sotres of important nutrients (like Magnesium). If you drink your fair share of coffee, the caffeine will drain you of Potassium and Magnesium (meaning dehydration is inevitable) and the oxylic acid will ruin protein digestion in the stomach, with dire consequences further down the digestive tract. There are many ways in which you can disrupt your body's natural balance but, in any case, an imbalance in diet or lifestyle will lead to an imbalance in the body’s function.

It is not necessary to move into the mountains and take up yoga, neither is it necessary to live on organic mung-bean soup and spirulina. However, finding a regime that works for you and allows you to get good sleep, eating high-quality unprocessed food that nature intended, and making the changes needed to keep a cap on stress levels, and ensuring you deliver the right level of essential nutrients to support the hydration and the metabolic needs of your body’s cells should not be beyond anyone.

Most clients who think they ‘only had time for a microwave meal’ really did have time to put something undamaging together – only they chose not to make time. In any case, genuine time restraints will breed efficient behaviour (making a tuna salad takes seconds, after all) except in those cases where diet and lifestyle leave energy levels ineffectively low. Not making time for your body’s needs is false economy with time.

Whilst it clearly requires a conscious effort to make changes, it is absolutely essential that the major parts of the lifestyle are addressed if long-term progress is to be achieved. Cellular function will be sensitive to many changes within the body and, in many cases, represents an immovable obstacle in the path of progress. My job is to help clients remove these obstacles so that, when I give them an exercise programme geared specifically for their current level of conditioning and personal aims, it has the impact that it deserves.


9 Basic Tips To Lose Weight In About 3-4 Weeks

One of the most important things you can do for your weight loss goals is regular cardio exercise. It really does wonders, especially if you do the the most effective exercises. You have to keep it up if you want to see results. The exercises that burn most calories and get you into shape faster are, running, bicycling, swimming, step aerobics, rock-climbing and inevitably, jogging.

2. Drink lots of water. Water actually increases your body’s ability to metabolize fat and greatly helps in shedding your first couple of pounds, also known as water weight.

3. Yoga. People recommend it because it reduces stress. But why is stress a bad thing? Well, when you are stressed your body releases high levels of sugar. And FYI, that’s really not a good thing. So, it depends on you. If you're a stressed out person, take up yoga. Play music. Just relax. On the other hand, if you don’t need to, then don’t.

4. You’ve heard this one a hundred times, but it’s that important. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Increase your intake of them and it’ll help you immensely. Opt for leafy green veggies and your body will thank you.

5. Eat more protein. This is essential in weight loss. Especially if you want to keep the weight off, and I’m sure you do. Who wants those pounds coming back? Um, no thanks. Some recommended foods that are high in protein are nuts (almonds), eggs, fish, low-fat yogurt, lean meat and skim-milk.

6. Only eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do not snack when you are bored. It’s a terrible habit that many people do (and don’t even notice!) and it plays a huge part in obesity. Think about it. Am I even hungry? Grab a piece of fruit instead.

7. Eat your food slowly. Many people tend to just swallow food down and that’s wrong. Chew your food 2-3 times before swallowing. It helps your brain register that the food is there and you're eating it. You’ll become full faster.

8. Watch your portion sizes. This one is exceedingly important because it applies to so many people! Ever eaten a whole bag of rice cakes in one sitting? We’re all guilty of it. Well, truth be told, it won’t help you lose weight. When eating chips, nuts, or dried fruit, put a portion in a small bowl and then put the bag away. That way you won’t mindlessly eat a larger portion than you had intended.

9. BE CONSISTENT. This is THE most important rule and I cannot stress it enough. Be consistent with your exercise or I’m telling you, it will NOT work. You have to be dedicated and work hard to see results. Don’t expect a miracle. You don’t just lose weight over night but, don’t get me wrong, healthy weight loss can be found and maintained if you are CONSISTENT and CONTINUE with your healthy eating habits and exercise even after your weight loss.


A Kettlebells Training Course Should Have Specific Components

Kettlebells training workouts have become very popular with men and women alike. Celebrities are even becoming involved in the new workout program. This popularity is seen because of the results offered by a kettlebells training program. Using kettlebells provides an overall workout including both cardiovascular and strength training. Most other traditional workouts require two different types of workout programs for working the heart and muscles.

The workouts performed with kettlebells require a bit more knowledge and practice in mastering the lift techniques. This means that a person using kettlebells must be properly trained in the execution of kettlebells lifts. This requires a well trained instructor of kettlebells.

Many kettlebells training courses have developed because of the popularity kettlebells is receiving. However, not all courses are the same nor do they all produce effective kettlebells trainers. A kettlebells training course should have specific components in the course to ensure the trainers leave with the proper knowledge and skills necessary. This knowledge is necessary to help people use kettlebells effectively.

A training course for kettlebells should have both class and physical instruction. Class time should be dedicated to learning about the major muscle groups used in kettlebells workouts as well as how the heart will be affected. This is important so the trainer can give this information to potential kettlebells clients to ensure their workout goals are reached. Class time should also be dedicated to learning different workout lifts and how to put them together to form effective kettlebells circuits.

Physical instruction time is a necessary component of kettlebells training. This time is used to practice the lifts independently because this provides the opportunity for the instructor to know how the lifts feel. An instructor who knows how one should feel during a lift can effectively communicate this to a client.

Another important part during the physical instruction portion of the kettlebells training course is correction time. Trainers need to practice identifying when a person is performing a kettlebell lift correctly and incorrectly. The trainer must then practice telling the client how to correct the technique in order to get the best workout.

The final portion of a kettlebells training course that must be present is a time to demonstrate competency. This may be done on a written exam, a physical demonstration, or a combination of both. Regardless of how the competency is demonstrated, it is important that each trainer fully demonstrate one’s knowledge of kettlebells training rather than receiving a certificate of completion.


Why everyone should lift weights

Benefits of strength training

How strength improves

Lifting weights that feel heavier than what we are used to puts our muscles under a certain degree of stress and as a result they are temporarily weakened. The body’s natural response to this weakened state is to rebuild the muscles so they are equipped to cope with a similar force put on them in future.

Depending on your current level of strength, and individual goals, the level of intensity must be high enough that the body recognises the need to make strength improvements. Furthermore, the intensity must be repeatedly increased, otherwise the body gets used to it and no additional improvements will be seen.

How does this benefit me?

One of the more obvious results of lifting weights is increased muscle mass, which brings about a whole host of changes in the body. The first is an increase in metabolism, which basically speeds up all chemical reactions in the body. If you gradually press the accelerator of your car down the car moves faster and uses more petrol as the revs increase – this is effectively what your body does when your metabolism increases. It is able to move faster, be stronger and consumes more calories, even at rest. Burning calories can be associated with losing weight when coupled with a healthy diet, but also keeps the body charged helping you feel active and confident. Longer term effects also include lower levels of cholesterol and a decrease in blood pressure, which collectively contribute to a greatly reduced chance of Coronary Heart Disease.

Nearly all the physical effects of aging can be slowed down or even reversed with the use of strength training. Over time your muscles gradually deteriorate, your bones become more brittle, connective tissue like tendons and ligaments also become weaker, and your posture usually sinks as a result. Strength training not only acts as reminder to your body that these tissues are still being used but they will gradually strengthen too; your bones will become denser (and reduce chances of Osteoporosis), tendons and ligaments become tougher and, assuming your training programme is balanced, your posture will improve providing you with a stronger physical foundation.

Given a comprehensive strength training programme your body will become generally tougher, leaving you less susceptible to injury (you are less likely to suffer breakages if bones are strong and are protected by strong surrounding tissues), and can even aid recovery if injury does occur (stronger muscles around an injured area can speed up the healing process). That said, with improved balance and posture from strength training you are less likely to take a fall in the first place!

Day to day activities

General improvements in body strength can give you the edge in nearly everything you do, such as playing with your kids, carrying your shopping, moving furniture, climbing stairs, or even standing up. A combination of strength training and flexibility can also work against the natural shortening of muscles for those who spend a lot of time sitting down. This is often inevitable, as many jobs involve sitting in front of a computer for extended periods of time where muscles adapt to their surroundings, but strength and flexibility training can counter this effect.

Quality of a training programme

It goes without saying that the safety of the subject undergoing a strength training programme is paramount – after all, a healthier and more active lifestyle is our objective. This said, the integrity of a training programme is important to ensure individuals receive the correct balance of strength, and must bear in mind postural imbalances and any specific goals they may have. A warm-up and cool down are also important aspects, minimising the chance of injury and maximising performance, and very heavy weights should only be lifted with someone there to assist if you have difficulties. All exercises should promote good posture, typically an open chest, neutral spine and firm stomach.

A comprehensive weight-training programme is one that consists of exercises for all parts of the body to ensure whole body strength – omitting major muscle groups would result in imbalances, to the detriment of the individual’s health. For example, training only your ‘beach muscles’ (such as biceps, chest, and abdominals) might seem appealing to begin with, but will inevitably result in poor posture and uneven overall strength.


Strength training provides a series of benefits to anyone’s lifestyle. Provided programmes are performed safely and with correct technique individuals can boost their metabolism to aid weight loss and management, improve their posture, work and play harder, reduce chances of injury, reduce heart disease, and counteract many of the infirmities that develop with age.


Get Healthy by Taking the Stairs

Gregory Minor, a middle-aged housekeeper at Duke University Medical Center, lost 80 lbs. and 10 inches simply by taking the stairs when he was at work. He's the latest success story in the Duke employee health program known as "Take the Stairs." The self-paced exercise program encourages employees to take the stairs and record how many stairs they climb. After certain milestones - climbing the equivalent of a mile, the equivalent of a 5k, and so forth - the employees get rewarded with small gifts. For Minor, the biggest gift of all was watching his waistline shrink. He reports in a YouTube video promoting the program that he now has more energy and feels better about himself.
Research Shows Climbing the Stairs Has Multiple Benefits
The Duke wellness program is based upon research that shows using the stairs over a period of months has significant health benefits. A study in European Heart Journal followed 69 hospital employees who ditched the elevator for the stairs for roughly 90 days. The employees reaped the following benefits:

    Body fat dropped 1.7%
    Waist circumference dropped 1.8%
    Blood pressure fell 2.3%
    LDL cholesterol fell 3.9%
    Lung capacity went up 8.6%

Given these statistics, it's not surprising that Gregory Minor lost 80 pounds after 18 months the stairs of Duke Universitdical Center.
Add Years to Your Life and to Your Years
The perks Minor experienced are one small glimpse at the benefits of stair climbing. People who are regular stair climbers generally live longer and have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those who take the elevator instead. A Harvard study estimated that 8 flights of stairs per day could reduce your death rate by as much as 32%. Furthermore, as Minor reported when he said he had more energy, stair climbers have better leg strength and aerobic capacity than those who take the elevator, leading to a greater quality of life. Most average, sedentary adults gain an average of two pounds per year. Over ten or fifteen years, this gradual increase in weight leads to an extra twenty or thirty pounds of body weight, resulting in numerous health complications. However, a mere two minutes of stair climbing per day over a one-year period can keep those annual twonds at bay.


Tips For Healthy Living

A lot of factors affect your health, such as your genetic makeup and age. If your family has a hereditary illness like diabetes or hypertension, most likely you would have it too. But living a healthy lifestyle can prevent this from occurring. You can reduce the risk for heart diseases, stroke, cancer or any serious illness by properly taking care of your body.

Eat the proper food.

If you are at high risk for diabetes, then avoid sweet foods. If you are anemic, eat iron rich foods. Remember, not all tasty and delicious foods are healthy. You must eat the foods that your body only needs. An excess or lack of any nutrient might place your body in bad shape. Limiting processed foods is a good start. These foods are high in sodium, saturated fat and other content which can harm your body. Try organic ones, go green, and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. For snacks, you can substitute a chocolate bar with an apple. Or put some fruits in your oatmeal such as bananas. If you are a meat lover, you can cut those fat portions of the meat. Or try eating fish- low in fats but rich in protein. Actually, there are a lot of healthy yet yummy options, just use flair of creativity.

Quit smoking

Smoking is really, very dangerous to your health. The toxic ingredients of cigarette which are nicotine and carbon monoxide prevent the affected cells from obtaining the full percentage of oxygen needed for them to function well. These toxic ingredients are carcinogenic which is one of the main reasons why lung cancer is very common with people who smoke cigarettes. Smoking can result to atherosclerosis, chronic lung injury, common obstructive pulmonary disease and worse- the development of cancer.

Smile, be positive

Let the good vibes in. Think less of the worries; always look on the bright side of everything. Laugh and hang out sometime, unwind from the stress. Visit spas and resorts, have fun. According to studies, happiness affects almost every aspect of health. Besides from making you feel and look young, being positive and happy prolongs your lifespan.

Be Active

Don't be a potato couch, do some movement. Do some jogging, dancing, walking or gardening. Physical activity is very important for your health. Besides making you look good, exercising improves your total blood circulation and burns the fat off your body. Try weight lifting, this is very helpful if you want to maintain your weight while weight lifting for women who are near their menopausal stage is important for them to maintain their bone strength.


Diet And Fitness - Take Control Of Your Sex Life By Building A Better Butt

Diet and fitness go hand in hand with the health of your sex life. Obesity, poor blood pressure, irregular hormone and gland production are all symptoms of poor level of fitness. These conditions also negatively affect your ability to function well sexually. Impotence and arousal can be seriously diminished if you have any of these conditions. Beyond being able to function well sexually, there is our more primal concern with being able to attract those we find attractive. You have to work with what your momma gave you. Whether youe a man or a woman we all love a great butt. You want to look better? Then get out there and shake your moneymaker! Work that body! Work that butt! Pretty soon youl find heads turning your way.

 Plan your work and work your plan. A great butt rarely comes by accident or just good genetics. Many people will say so-and-so has great genetics, but usually that is just a cop out so they don have to work at it themselves. You want a great butt, it starts with a good fitness routine.

 Move your legs! Walk, hike, run, sprint, climb stairs, do anything that gets your legs moving. Do some sort of walk or run a few times (three or four) a week. The next question is how long do I do walk or run? It all depends on the intensity. If you are going for a brisk walk (low intensity) then walk for an hour. If you are going for a jog (medium intensity), then go for thirty to forty minutes. If you are doing a sprint program or intervals (high intensity) it should take no longer than fifteen to twenty minutes.

 Get your legs strong! Squats, lunges, and deadlifts are a must. I know they are hard. You know they are hard. Theyl also give you a nice firm butt. Nothing will give you as good a butt as these exercises. Look on the upside. You won spend so much time looking for jeans that you look good in because youl look good in all of them.

 As mentioned at the start your diet and fitness routine go hand in hand. Having a great butt doesn do you much good if no one can see it under a layer of fat. Watch what you eat. That doesn mean starve yourself. Eat four to five small meals a day. Eat small portions. Drink lots of water (2 to 3 litres). Have your last meal three to four hours before bed. Don ever miss breakfast. And minimize or avoid entirely high calorie drinks (pop, juice, full-fat milk, alcohol). Then watch the fat melt off.

 There is an added benefit to weight loss and getting fit. Your face will look better as your cheekbones come out. Your abs will start to show. Youl feel more confident. Youl walk taller, smile more, and generally be in a better mood. All these things will make you more attractive as well as your newly built butt. So the next time you want to ask that special someone out for a drink, dinner, or a date don be surprised when they say, es.?br />
 If youe someone who wants to learn more about a certain fitness routine or how to incorporate a diet and fitness plan into your daily life, then ImpactFitnessInc.com is for you. We can introduce you to a great workout plan with a healthy nutritious diet to go with it. Learn from the pros who train the pros.